Tag Archives: control-covered

America’s Got Talent Results: Who Was Saved?

Coming off a mostly disappointing audition episode , which acts on America’s Got Talent advanced to the next round? Results were announced last night… Eliminations – Solo Male Variety Rock Star Juggler Mike Price needs to change his name to “Really Good Juggler” Mike Price. When you add a unicycle, which immediately eliminates any form of “Rock Star” or sexiness. If Piers was still around, when he dropped a club, he would have been buzzed. Cristin Sandu was an obvious elimination, though the sadist in me wished there was a Gymkana-style accident where he caught on fire. Eliminated: Rock Star Juggler Mike Price, Cristin Sandu Advanced: Jacob Williams Eliminations – Color Inspire the Fire just wasn’t good when they performed. They have a sympathetic story, but sympathy could only get a group so far. Let them inspire children on a smaller level, but not as a Vegas act. All Beef Patty was okay, but didn’t move. I wonder if Prince Poppycock was competing this season, would he have been more accepted now that Piers Morgan wasn’t around. Light Wire Theater was the clear and obvious frontrunner. They have at least three more weeks to create some more shapes if they haven’t already been working on their designs. Eliminated: Inspire the Fire, All Beef Patty Advanced: Light Wire Theater Eliminations – Dance and Song There was an outside shot that people really wanted to see this dreaded “Turf vs. Elusive” storyline, but luckily no one really wanted to. I still thought Lindsey Norton was better than both, but we’ll see next week if she will be the one solo dancer against Turf. Jake Wesley Rogers wasn’t ready for the big stage, he needed a few more coffee shops and smaller venues to grow, but this had to be a great learning experience for Jake. This left a really obvious choice for the Untouchables to advance. The two week Olympic break will help this group stay fresh if they stick to a salsa/samba style. Eliminated: Elusive, Jake Wesley Rogers Advanced: The Untouchables Final Eliminations When Spencer basically said, “Ouchies, my elbow!” you knew that no one was going to vote for him. This left us with two very interesting choices. I didn’t prefer Wordspit not because of their original song, but because of the chaos that ensued during the performance. It was a lot of noise and that comes from someone that likes Skrillex. All Wheel Sports did miles better than their direct competition, American BMX Stunt Team, both because they seem to have a more youthful approach, but also a more creative way of using the stage. Howard seemed to continue to champion his band flag, but Howie and Sharon weren’t having it. Eliminated: Spencer Horseman Wordspit and the Illest!’s Vote: Howard All Wheel Sports’ Vote: Howie, Sharon

See the article here:
America’s Got Talent Results: Who Was Saved?

So You Think You Can Dance Results: Down to 16

So You Think You Can Dance whittled its number of contestants down to 16 last night. Before we arrived at the elimination, however, viewers were treated to a giant dance number that involved some kind of zombie-like choreography set to Marilyn Manson. From there, the remaining hopefuls performed in pairs, while the Step Up Revolution cast took to the stage for a rather cool fog/lasers-based show. Okay, fine. We’ll see that move.

Rush Limbaugh on The Dark Knight Rises Villain: Liberal Conspiracy!

Rush Limbaugh recently referred to a Georgetown student as a slut because she wanted to have birth control covered by her health insurance plan. Incredibly, however, this comment was positively rational compared to the conspiracy theory spewed forth by the radio host on Tuesday. Discussing The Dark Knight Rises and its primary villain, a terrorist played by Tom Hardy named Bane, Limbaugh went off about the clear connection between this bad guy’s name and the issue Democrats have been hammering home in recent election ads: Mitt Romney’s role in the company Bain. It’s a conspiracy, people! “The villain in The Dark Knight Rises is named Bane, B-a-n-e,” Limbaugh ranted. “What is the name of the venture capital firm that Romney ran and around which there’s now this make-believe controversy? Bain. “The movie has been in the works for a long time. The release date’s been known, summer 2012 for a long time. Do you think that it is accidental that the name of the really vicious fire breathing four eyed whatever it is villain in this movie is named Bane?” Well, readers, he’s asking: Do you think it’s a coincidence? Or is Christopher Nolan a secret agent for Barack Obama? Weigh in now: Are liberals behind the casting of Bane in The Dark Knight Rises?

The rest is here:
Rush Limbaugh on The Dark Knight Rises Villain: Liberal Conspiracy!