Tag Archives: cleavage-shots

Nicki Minaj, Bare Booty Promote New Single

Bottoms up, Nicki Minaj! Or, perhaps we should say instead, bottoms… down? The singer has released the very revealing covert art for her next single, posing on Instagram in a G-String in promotion of “Anaconda,” which hits iTunes on Monday. Minaj, who continues to throw shade at Iggy Azalea , has never exactly been shy about her body. Remember these naked shower selfies ? Or this Nicki Minajnip slip photo posted by Minaj herself? Or, of course, the following Nicki Minaj photo gallery, which is filled with Nicki Minaj cleavage shots? Nicki Minaj Cleavage Photos 1. Nicki Minaj Cleavage Photo Nicki takes a photo of her own breasts. Of course she posted it to Instagram.

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Nicki Minaj, Bare Booty Promote New Single

Rush Limbaugh on The Dark Knight Rises Villain: Liberal Conspiracy!

Rush Limbaugh recently referred to a Georgetown student as a slut because she wanted to have birth control covered by her health insurance plan. Incredibly, however, this comment was positively rational compared to the conspiracy theory spewed forth by the radio host on Tuesday. Discussing The Dark Knight Rises and its primary villain, a terrorist played by Tom Hardy named Bane, Limbaugh went off about the clear connection between this bad guy’s name and the issue Democrats have been hammering home in recent election ads: Mitt Romney’s role in the company Bain. It’s a conspiracy, people! “The villain in The Dark Knight Rises is named Bane, B-a-n-e,” Limbaugh ranted. “What is the name of the venture capital firm that Romney ran and around which there’s now this make-believe controversy? Bain. “The movie has been in the works for a long time. The release date’s been known, summer 2012 for a long time. Do you think that it is accidental that the name of the really vicious fire breathing four eyed whatever it is villain in this movie is named Bane?” Well, readers, he’s asking: Do you think it’s a coincidence? Or is Christopher Nolan a secret agent for Barack Obama? Weigh in now: Are liberals behind the casting of Bane in The Dark Knight Rises?

The rest is here:
Rush Limbaugh on The Dark Knight Rises Villain: Liberal Conspiracy!

Kate Upton: Clothed, Still Hot for The Sunday Times

When you’ve already seen Kate Upton nude , all other possibilities pale in comparison. Indeed, the super (duper!) model is featured in the latest edition of Great Britain’s The Sunday Times , scarcely wearing any pants and offering up some decent cleavage shots in a couple poses. But, considering other recent bikini photos of the blonde , it’s hard to get overly excited about these overly layered shots. Upton has simply set the mostly-naked bar far too high for herself. Click away now and compare this spread to others of the beauty:

Go here to read the rest:
Kate Upton: Clothed, Still Hot for The Sunday Times

Adrianne Curry Drops Some Twitter Cleavage

I guess Adrienne Curry is getting a little annoyed that Sara Jean Underwood has knocked her off the podium and replaced her as Twitter superstar, Sara’s just younger and fresher and shows off more skin, because here she is with her retaliation pics. Not bad, I like what she’s done with the close up cleavage shots, good work, but I think it’s going to take a little more than this to outdo sweet little Sara. Something special, something a little more risque, something that may or may not involve twin Korean strippers. I’ll be waiting.

Jennifer Love Hewitt Promo Pic for the CLient List of the Day

This promo pic dropped 2 weeks ago…but as someone who doesn’t run the Jennifer Love Hewitt fan club, I don’t really keep track of her…but I do know this pic screams one thing and one thing only….if only Jennifer Love could be photoshopped all the fucking time….she’d be worth looking at….but she’s not so I forget she exists…you know since her metabolism slowed down and her ass caught up to her disproportionate tits….she kinda lost relevancy…. So the new show is called the Client List and I assume she plays a whore….and as a whore….they had to get good cleavage shots out of her….and I predict the show will only work if it is shot from the waist up and from a good angle so that they don’t get the rest of her thickness in there to ruin it….

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Jennifer Love Hewitt Promo Pic for the CLient List of the Day

Miley Cyrus Drops Some Hidden Cleavage

Here’s Miley Cyrus at last night’s People’s Choice Awards in a dress with what the fashion world would call a plunging neck line. As far as cleavage shots go, these aren’t exactly the greatest. Why ruin a perfectly low cut dress with some lame pantyhose like material? It just seems counterproductive to me. That’s not to say she doesn’t look hot, I’d motorboat her right through that material, but showing a little flesh never hurt anyone. Unless you live in Afghanistan or somewhere like that.

Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Wheel Of Fortune Cleavage International Edition

Here’s a broad on another international Wheel of Fortune.

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Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Wheel Of Fortune Cleavage International Edition