Start your day with perhaps the closest read in the history of close reads: Joss Whedon’s history as a writer for Roseanne : “Whedon really plants his pop culture flag, however, in House of Grown-ups with the arrival of a new, high-tech VCR. (Like the discussion about pornography, it’s a tangential detail that Whedon seems to enjoy more than the actual plot.) We get a fun run of Darlene wanting to rent ‘ Lethal Weapon 2, Jaws 3 , and Nightmare on Elm Street 4 ,’ John Goodman busts out an impressions of Dirty Harry , and Roseanne proclaims her love for Doctor Zhivago . And, for the ultimate Whedon touch, when nobody can agree on what to rent, what film finally unites everyone? Star Wars .” [ Splitsider ]
Continued here:
The Joss Whedon/Roseanne Nexus