Tag Archives: disrespectful

Life After Wiz: More Of The Funniest, Creepiest & Shadiest Comments Left On Amber Rose’s Instagram Pics

Funniest, Wackiest & Most Disrespectful Comments Left On Amber’s IG Page Unemployed eye candy Amber Rose is currently going through the “bored celebrity phase” which is both sad and hilarious because it’s clear she has nothing else better to do than create messy drama , post thirst traps and, uh, post more thirst traps to stay relevant. Hit the flip for more of the funniest, creepiest and shadiest comments on Muva Amb’s IG.

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Life After Wiz: More Of The Funniest, Creepiest & Shadiest Comments Left On Amber Rose’s Instagram Pics

Funniest, Shadiest & Messiest Comments Left On Amber Rose & Khloe K’s Instagram Pages

Funniest, Wildest & Most Disrespectful Comments Left On Khloe & Amber’s IGs The internet is still buzzing over Amber and Khloe’s hilariously messy Twitter catfight that spilled onto Instagram where you’ll find vicious stan wars, ruthless reads and snatched wigs everywhere. Hit the flip for the funniest, shadiest and messiest comments on Khloe K. and Amb’s IG pages.

Funniest, Shadiest & Messiest Comments Left On Amber Rose & Khloe K’s Instagram Pages

Pure Comedy: 20 Rudest Instagram Comments

Funniest, Shadiest & Messiest IG Comments We live in a (hilariously) mean-spirited world where strangers can’t post anything on Instagram without being roasted for the whole internet to see. When this started, we’re not quite sure, but it’s currently the biggest (and funniest) social media obsession that we doubt will ever end. Hit the jump for the rudest Insta comments of all-time.

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Pure Comedy: 20 Rudest Instagram Comments

Funny Or Too Far? The Internet Destroys A Barely Literate Floyd Mayweather

The Very Best Of The Internet Vs. Floyd Mayweather 50 Cent and Floyd have been tangled in a bizarro ex-BFF beef for months that exploded when 50 challenged Floyd to read a Harry Potter book for charity . At first, no one really “got” the reading challenge until we heard the All-world boxer struggle mightily to read a short paragraph which sparked both sympathy and endless slander across the internet. Hit the jump for the funniest (or meanest) tweets/IG comments from this 50/Floyd saga.

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Funny Or Too Far? The Internet Destroys A Barely Literate Floyd Mayweather

Race Matters: Black NFL Ref Requested Not To Officiate Any Redskins’ Games Due To Their Disrespectful And Offensive Name

This guy really earned his stripes ! First Black Referee To Work Superbowl Reveals He Asked Not To Work Redskins Games Mike Carey took a stand against racism in the NFL by silently protesting for years in his refusal to work for an organization he felt was being hateful with their stubborn resolve to keep a Native American slur as their team name. According to Washington Post reports via NY Daily News: Mike Carey, who officiated games for 24 years before retiring in 2013, told the Washington Post that he told the NFL he didn’t want to work the Redskins’ home or away games because of their disrespectful nickname. “Human beings take social stances,” Carey, the first African-American referee to work a Super Bowl, told the Post. “And if you’re respectful of all human beings, you have to decide what you’re going to do and why you’re going to do it. “In America we’ve learned that respect is the most important thing that you have. I learned it from my parents, my schools, from my faith. And when you learn there’s something that might not be as respectful as you like, when you come to terms with it, you have to do something about it.” “I know that if a team had a derogatory name for African-Americans, I would help those who helped extinguish that name. I have quite a few friends who are Native Americans. And even if I didn’t have Native American friends, the name of the team is disrespectful.” The NFL apparently had no problem with his request, as the Washington Post research showed that Carey didn’t work a Redskins game after Week 1 of the 2006 season. “The league respectfully honored my request not to officiate Washington,” he said. “When they were making assignments, I said I’d like to be excluded from those assignments.” Carey added he never talked to NFL commissioner Roger Goodell about the matter, instead going through the league office. Seriously we all can learn something from this example. All these people who compromise their values on the daily because it’s “part of the job” need to know it’s entirely possible to stand up for your beliefs and still be an exemplary employee. APImages

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Race Matters: Black NFL Ref Requested Not To Officiate Any Redskins’ Games Due To Their Disrespectful And Offensive Name

Pure Comedy: A Gallery Of The Most Disrespectful Instagram Comments, Pt. 5

A Gallery Of The Funniest, Craziest & Messiest IG Comments More hilariously disrespectful Instagram comments for your Fourth of July weekend enjoyment? Why not? Hit the jump for another classic compilation of DISRESPECTFUL IG comments .

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Pure Comedy: A Gallery Of The Most Disrespectful Instagram Comments, Pt. 5

Pure Comedy: A Gallery Of The Most Disrespectful Instagram Comments, Pt. 5

A Gallery Of The Funniest, Craziest & Messiest IG Comments More hilariously disrespectful Instagram comments for your Fourth of July weekend enjoyment? Why not? Hit the jump for another classic compilation of DISRESPECTFUL IG comments .

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Pure Comedy: A Gallery Of The Most Disrespectful Instagram Comments, Pt. 5

Clapback: Struggle Bird Kenya Moore Says Apollo Would Have Smashed Her Cakes To Smithereens

Kenya is still stirring the pot. Kenya Says Apollo Was Disrespectful To His Marriage When Apollo said he was texting Kenya for business and not sex we didn’t believe him. Apollo was probably trying to get some on the side… bruh is slick. According to Kenya’s Bravo TV Blog: Watching Apollo repeatedly say he “could have slept with me if he wanted to” and seeing the way he behaves in his marriage just reminds me of how immature, disrespectful, and dishonest he is to his wife, marriage, and in life. Leopards don’t change their spots. Lying landed him in prison. His mouth says one thing, but reality and his character speak volumes: If he could have, he would have. I’m done with this. Do you think Apollo wanted some of Kenya’s scrambled eggs?

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Clapback: Struggle Bird Kenya Moore Says Apollo Would Have Smashed Her Cakes To Smithereens

What Is The Price Of A Young Black Life: Black Girl Told To Cut Or Straighten Hair Or Leave School

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This is unbelievable! According to WKMG, Vanessa VanDyke an Orlando, Florida 12-year-old little girl of African American descent was told that her natural hair was too…

What Is The Price Of A Young Black Life: Black Girl Told To Cut Or Straighten Hair Or Leave School

Kanye West Throws Disrespectful Tantrum During “Sway In The Morning” Interview [VIDEO]

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After causing jaws to drop on other interviews he did earlier in the day, we’re not sure why anyone would have expected Kanye West to…

Kanye West Throws Disrespectful Tantrum During “Sway In The Morning” Interview [VIDEO]