Tag Archives: donkey

AnnaLynne McCord’s Bikini Ass on the Beach of the Day

AnnaLynne McCord was seen on the beach doing her best Donkey Impression…all teeth forward like this was a casting call for Shrek where she played the ass…. Luckily….to compensate for all that is barnyard about her…she wore a bikini and showed off her ass…which is the better “ass” component to her phsyical looks…. Either look at her Donkey Face Ass impression….or her hot, round, fit bikini clad ass….she comes with Ass options…like she was a thesaurus….. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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AnnaLynne McCord’s Bikini Ass on the Beach of the Day

War of The Worldviews w/ Deepak Chopra & Leonard Mlodinow-Part#8-

War of The Worldviews w/ Deepak Chopra & Leonard Mlodinow-Part#8- http://www.youtube.com/v/DBFT-eWKry4?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Visit link: War of The Worldviews w/ Deepak Chopra & Leonard Mlodinow-Part#8-


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War of The Worldviews w/ Deepak Chopra & Leonard Mlodinow-Part#8-

Moakler Makes an Ass Out of Khloe K.

Filed under: TV , Celebrity Feuds , Shanna Moakler , The Kardashians , Khloe Kardashian The only thing more ridiculous than Wendy Williams’ pit stains on her show this morning: The war Shanna Moakler ignited with the Kardashians by calling Khloe a “donkey.”After Shanna talked about not being invited to “the donkey’s wedding” on Wendy’s … Permalink

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Moakler Makes an Ass Out of Khloe K.

Christie Brinkley Donkey Show a Few Years Too Late of the Day

As a Mexican it is my duty to post pictures of any bitch posing with a Donkey, even if that bitch is an ex-model with an ugly daughter who married Billy Joel and hasn’t mattered since her retirement issue of SI Swimsuit back in 1989, because we event that whole Donkey on Woman shit and we stand by it with pride, especially when we see it slowly work its way into the mainstream

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Christie Brinkley Donkey Show a Few Years Too Late of the Day