Tag Archives: endless-stories

Lily Allen’s Horrible Close Up Panty Flash of the Day

I didn’t bother GOOGLING Lily Allen to see if she’s actually opening up for Miley Cyrus or if that’s just a rumor I made up, because I would have found it funny that her whole act is making fun of Miley and popstars because she wants to be one so bad, only for Miley to call her out on her bullshit and give her loser ass a job, out of pity, opening for her….I’ve made up stories about a fatter Lily Allen before…like her abortion she masked as a miscarriage that led to her blocking me on twitter, because I guess she didn’t like my tweets…in a pre cyberbully era.. But then again, I don’t ever think about Lily Allen and her sloppy, even when skinny, old even when not that old, mom of two even after her abortion she masked as a miscarriage body… Until she flashes her cooter, a cooter you know she can fit large objects inside based on her size and her kids alone. I’m talking double cucumber…maybe even triple…not that we’d know since she’s got it tightly wrapped in panties.. I guess her whole experience in pathetic, desperate and there’s something fun about that…but maybe I’m blinded by her pretending she’s 14…we call this a midlife identity crisis TO SEE THE REST OF THE HORRIBLE PICS CLICK HERE

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Lily Allen’s Horrible Close Up Panty Flash of the Day

Ashley Benson Hot on Set of an Adam Sandler Movie of the Day

Ashley Benson is making movies….it’s for some Adam Sandler production because Adam Sandler has the ability to produce real fucking shit that makes a lot of money for everyone involved – since Hollywood is a real fucking scam… Apparently, she’s making real waves (with her legs) in this new role…at least that’s what her ass and thighs are telling me as she runs…it’s like a fucking Tsunami up in that red jump suit…and here is the pic… Close Up The good news is that her tits are tits…and exist… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Ashley Benson Hot on Set of an Adam Sandler Movie of the Day

Olivia Wilde Breast Feeding for Glamour of the Day

Breast feeding is trendy now. Not that it was ever really not trendy. I’ve been seeing girls breast feed in public for as long as I can remember. It’s kind of what you’re supposed to do genetically. You know all part of being human, but maybe I just live in Canada, and maybe I’m a pervert who encourages tits to be pulled out under any and all excuses…. If I went back in my archives on the site I’ve probably posted endless stories of the tits I experienced feeding babies on my days spent at Starbucks and in the Park before being a reclusive. What I don’t understand is why it is now a political play for Celebrities to jump on, only to think they are doing some great thing for mankind, by getting photos of their kid on their tit, as if it’s supposed to be shocking…when Cave men did it. Early fucking man did it. Your mom probably did it. It’s how you feed babies… It’s like leave it up to celebrities to be self righteous about everything possible. I can’t wait til taking a shit becomes a trend and celebs start posting pics of them shitting, looking for some kind of encouragement like a 2 year old who just made potty. Go fuck yourself Olivia Cockburn…we know that’s your real name…so stop being full of shit on all fronts.. All this to say, I dig babies going at tits like they should be me. TO see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

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Olivia Wilde Breast Feeding for Glamour of the Day