Tag Archives: entire-series

Tequila Industry to Tackle Its Huge Waste Problem?

Image credit: GreenHouse International & Mickou (Creative Commons) No sooner do we hear that the Scots have developed a biofuel from whisky distillery byproducts , that the tequila industry announces it wants in on the waste-to-energy act too. This is not without good reason— the growth of the tequila indus… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Tequila Industry to Tackle Its Huge Waste Problem?

Best of Inhabitat: Packaging the Future

Have you ever looked at a product the size of a pea wrapped in a layer of clear film, with a 20 page instruction booklet, vacuum packed in hard plastic, covered by another layer of cardboard and thought, “Why?!”? Well, you’re not alone. We, along with our favorite eco-chick, green journalist Starre Vartan , were so frustrated with certain kinds of packaging —and inspired by others —that we decided to launch an entire series to exploring the

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Best of Inhabitat: Packaging the Future