Tag Archives: nasty-people

Tequila Industry to Tackle Its Huge Waste Problem?

Image credit: GreenHouse International & Mickou (Creative Commons) No sooner do we hear that the Scots have developed a biofuel from whisky distillery byproducts , that the tequila industry announces it wants in on the waste-to-energy act too. This is not without good reason— the growth of the tequila indus… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Tequila Industry to Tackle Its Huge Waste Problem?

Best of Inhabitat: Packaging the Future

Have you ever looked at a product the size of a pea wrapped in a layer of clear film, with a 20 page instruction booklet, vacuum packed in hard plastic, covered by another layer of cardboard and thought, “Why?!”? Well, you’re not alone. We, along with our favorite eco-chick, green journalist Starre Vartan , were so frustrated with certain kinds of packaging —and inspired by others —that we decided to launch an entire series to exploring the

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Best of Inhabitat: Packaging the Future

From Felled Tree to Dining Room Table: Furniture That’s Sustainable and Unique

The team at Meyer Wells. Image Credit: Meyer Wells If you’ve ever been upset to learn that a tree you loved either fell or had to be chopped down, you’ll be glad to hear about Meyer Wells , the furniture company based out of Seattle . Operating under the motto “furniture with modern roots,” Seth Meyer and John Wells take felled trees and turn them into custom wooden tables. So now you can see your beloved tree live on as a personal, uni… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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From Felled Tree to Dining Room Table: Furniture That’s Sustainable and Unique

Trolls Die Young: Nasty People Have Higher Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke

Cave Troll from Lord of the Rings via Wikipedia Dan Blankenhorn of Smart Planet was thinking of his commenters when he suggested that “trolls die young”, based on a study researchers of the US National Institute on Aging . They looked at 5,614 Sardinians from four villages, and found that “those who scored high for antagonistic traits on a standard personality test had greater thickening of the neck… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Trolls Die Young: Nasty People Have Higher Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke