Tag Archives: event-honoring

Jessica Lowndes’ Juicy Cleavage Show

It’s been a while since we’ve had Jessica Lowndes and her famous pushed-up cleavage on the site, but since I’m always happy to make room for an old favorite, here’s Jessica’s funbags at a Moet & Chandon event honoring Roger Federer’s 1,000th Career Win. Funny, I don’t remember any companies throwing me a fancy party with hotties to honor my 1,000th career blog post. Oh well, I guess there’s always my 1,000,000th career dick joke, right? And at this rate, I should probably hit that milestone later this month. Better start planning that party now, guys… And make sure to invite Jessica, will you? » view all 14 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Jessica Lowndes’ Juicy Cleavage Show

Kim Delaney Tries, Fails to Honor Robert Gates; Escorted Off Stage During Speech

Army Wives star Kim Delaney had to be escorted off the stage at an event honoring former U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates in Philadelphia, Pa. Three former U.S. presidents made video tributes at the event and several high ranking U.S. officials were present, along with celebs such as Delaney. Point being, it was a big deal, making this moment even more bizarre: Kim Delaney Gives Rambling ‘Speech’ The actress began slurring, stammering and stalling her way through a speech that can best be described as … unusual. That’s the best description. Yeah. Awkward. Delaney has had issues with substance abuse in the past, but it’s unclear just what caused Kim’s bizarre behavior this time around. All that’s missing from the above clip was this guy. Play her off, buddy … Keyboard Cat!

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Kim Delaney Tries, Fails to Honor Robert Gates; Escorted Off Stage During Speech

Bengals X-Mas Party Converted into Memorial

Filed under: TMZ Sports Last night was supposed to be the Cincinnati Bengals team Christmas party — instead, it turned into an event honoring Chris Henry, the fallen teammate who died earlier in the day.A spokesman for the team told TMZ that instead of canceling the …

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Bengals X-Mas Party Converted into Memorial