Tag Archives: faced-the-death

Kermit The Frog Has Replaced Miss Piggy With A New Girl & The Internet Is Freaking Out About It

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Just last month, it was announced that Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy had officially ended their multiple decade-long relationship. As the two continued on…

Kermit The Frog Has Replaced Miss Piggy With A New Girl & The Internet Is Freaking Out About It

WWE Hall Of Famer Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka Faces Murder Charges For Death Of Girlfriend In 1983

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It’s been 32 years since WWE’s Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka faced the death of his girlfriend at the time, Nancy Argentino. Back in May of 1983,…

WWE Hall Of Famer Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka Faces Murder Charges For Death Of Girlfriend In 1983

Justin Bieber "All That Matters" Music Video: Released! Steamy!

Justin Bieber is all grown up, as he often tries to remind us by acting up. Luckily in this case, it’s a musical reminder we’re talkin’ about, as the Bieb heats up computer screens and phones galore with his “All That Matters” video. #Biebergasm A shirtless Bieber makes out with and grinds on beautiful blonde model Cailin Russo, showing off his abs, dance moves and pelvic thrusting abilities. Tight. The 19-year-old pop star first released the breakup anthem in October, and it’s easy to see why it sparked rumors that he’s singing about ex Selena Gomez . Emotionally and physically, the video gets pretty heated. Peep it below: Justin Bieber – All That Matters (Music Video)

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Justin Bieber "All That Matters" Music Video: Released! Steamy!

Mayra Rosales, the Half-Ton Killer, Loses 800 Pounds, Talks About Murder Trial

At 1,200 pounds, Mayra Rosales was one of the heaviest women in the world when she confessed to the 2008 death of her 2-year old nephew, earning the moniker the “Half-Ton Killer.” Since being acquitted of the charges, Rosales has lost over 800 pounds. She now has a clean criminal record and a clean bill of health. Half-Ton Killer Talks About Taking Rap For Her Sister In the five years since her trial, Rosales lost over half her body weight through diet, exercise, and after losing 600 pounds, began undergoing extensive surgeries to remove tumors and excess skin from her frame. The 33-year old now shows no signs of someone who has battled obesity. Rosales’ trial had all the markings of a three-ring media circus , both due to the nature of the charges against her and her size. Film crews documented work crews removing walls from her home in order to move Rosales and her king-sized bed to court in a moving truck.  She faced the death penalty in the capital murder case, and because of her weight and health, Rosales saw the charges against her as the state doing her a favor. At the time of her confession, Mayra Rosales wanted to die. She confessed to crushing her 2-year old nephew in order to protect the boy’s real killer–his mother, Rosales’ sister.  A documentary about Rosales’ life and incredible transformation is set to air December 4 on TLC.

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Mayra Rosales, the Half-Ton Killer, Loses 800 Pounds, Talks About Murder Trial

Race Matters: Serial Killer On Death Row For Murdering Anyone He Saw With “Black Skin” Agrees That He’s Scum – “I Deserve To Die”

Racist Serial Killer On Death Row Says He Deserves To Be Executed A racist Ohio man on death row for admittedly going a hate-motivated murdering spree back in 1980 is set to be executed tomorrow and he says he deserves to die via USA Today The voice was strong and unwavering, carrying no hint that it soon would be snuffed out, just like Joseph Paul Franklin snuffed out 18 lives during his racist, murderous reign of terror. From Missouri’s death row hours before he is scheduled to be executed, Franklin told The Cincinnati Enquirer in a telephone call Monday he regrets killing two Cincinnati teens in 1980 and that he’s not really worried about being executed. “I ain’t tripping on it,” Franklin said of his execution set for 1:01 a.m. EDT Wednesday. Franklin, 63, was convicted of murders in several states but only faced the death penalty in Missouri where he was convicted of killing a man in a St. Louis synagogue in a sniper shooting. He was honest about his punishment in Missouri. “Yeah, I actually believe that I deserve (to be executed). I ain’t going to deny it,” Franklin said in a 39-minute call late Monday. “I’m hoping for mercy.” He showed no mercy, though, to Darrell Lane, 14, and Dante Evans Brown, 13, as the cousins walked to a Cincinnati-area store in June 1980. Franklin, in the midst of what he called his prolific month of race killings, lay in wait on a railroad trestle for anyone with black skin to walk past. When the boys did, Franklin shot each twice with a .44-caliber deer rifle, blasting holes in their chests. “They just happened to walk by on the sidewalk to tell you the truth,” Franklin said of his Cincinnati victims. “I basically set up an ambush for whoever walked by … I had no idea how old they were.” Surely the families of the people this man killed agree with his hind-sight sentiments.

Race Matters: Serial Killer On Death Row For Murdering Anyone He Saw With “Black Skin” Agrees That He’s Scum – “I Deserve To Die”

Larry Flynt to Daniel Tosh: Run My Company!

Hustler CEO Larry Flynt is going to be out of town for a few weeks. That’s nice for him. Obviously, he wants Daniel Tosh to run Hustler while he’s gone. Flynt just shot a video message just for the Tosh.0 host, saying “I’m gonna be out of town and I WANT YOU to run Hustler ‘s editorial meeting.” Why Daniel Tosh of all people? Flynt’s camp says he’s kicking around idea of a guest editor … and he just likes the guy. That’s all there is to it. Who knew Larry was such a big fan of viral video-related comedy? A Hustler rep tells TMZ , “[Tosh] will be allowed to plan the magazine’s editorial meetings for one month … he will be given a blank canvas.” Flynt’s even offering Tosh his own office with a “Hustler model secretary.” Hustler hasn’t heard back from Tosh regarding the unique offer. [Photo: WENN.com]

Larry Flynt to Daniel Tosh: Run My Company!

Battleship Movie Trailer: Released!

Yes, Battleship is based on a board game. But before you automatically dismiss the May 2012 release for that reason, consider its cast: Taylor Kitsch, Brooklyn Decker, Alexander Skarsg

Casey Anthony Judge Shreds Media; Names of Jury Members to Remain Sealed

The judge in the Casey Anthony case ordered the names of the jurors to remain secret for their protection, tearing the media a new one in the process. Judge Belvin Perry cited the “circus-like atmosphere” around the trial in the name of entertainment rather than justice for putting the jurors at risk. Jury members’ identities will be sealed until at least October 25. “The jurors in this case face the possibility of substantial injury if their names are made public,” Perry ruled, according to the Orlando Sentinel . Casey Anthony Verdict Reading Florida law requires that the names be released, but Perry will not “until sufficient time has passed to allow those enraged by the verdict and who might instinctively react with violence to compose and restrain themselves.” He again cited the case’s “unique and alarming circumstances.” Perry also took the opportunity to take the media to task. Scathingly, he wrote: “Clearly, the broadcast of an official and serious court proceeding such as this trial where a young girl was dead and her mother faced the death penalty devolved into cheap, soap opera-like entertainment.” The use of the state’s public records law to have the juror names released, the judge lamented, had “become simply a tool to sell a story.” Casey Anthony, 25, was found not guilty on July 5 of murdering her 2-year-old daughter Caylee, sparking outcry and even death threats . The media frenzy hasn’t slowed since that date. In fact, it may intensify as the first Casey Anthony interview is being shopped around.

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Casey Anthony Judge Shreds Media; Names of Jury Members to Remain Sealed