Tag Archives: famous-family

Lena Dunham Debuts Boob Tattoo Inspired By Rihanna

There are word combinations you never expect to type, and then there’s “Lena Dunham Debuts Boob Tattoo Inspired By Rihanna.” You might be tempted to decry such a headline as that “fake news” you keep hearing about: A bald-faced attempt to highlight the more ridiculous aspects of Millennial culture in an effort to work the #MAGA crowd into a greater fury than anti-incest laws and every second of this year’s Oscars combined.  But we assure you, this is no alt-right Pepe-ganda (though we are  in the process of developing tastes for Tolstoy and straight Stoli in order to make nice with our future overlords), and the self-proclaimed Voice of Her Generation really did copy RiRi’s underboob ink . Lena posted the pic above today, along with a caption that reads: “Thank you @trinegrimm for my warrior’s chest plate/tit chandelier. This is my first original piece by a female tattoo artist and it felt sacred and cool and she didn’t chide me for copying @badgalriri’s placement. “If you’re ever in Oslo, go meet this metal queen and let her handle your body.” Look, we’re gonna go ahead and play Dunham’s advocate here. For starters, we’re willing to giver her a pass on a lot of things this week, as “American Bitch” might have been Girls’ strongest episode to date, and it actually addressed a topical issue in a unique way. (It might have worked better as a standalone project, but that’s a discussion for another time.) On top of that – we’ve been there. We’ll admit to seeing a celebrity rock a certain look and (perhaps during a tipsy online shopping spree) deciding to give it a shot ourselves. There was a time when Johnny Depp was cool enough to make male fashion scarves cool, and like other tragedies throughout history, we shouldn’t bury it simply because we can’t make sense of it. So Lena saw Rihanna rocking some boob-bunting and figured she’d try to pull it off, too. As long as she doesn’t start taking racy blunt smoke selfies and using the word “pon,” we can chalk this up to loving emulation and not Single White Female-esque imitation. Besides, if this is the worst thing Lena Dunham did this week, then it was really a hell of a week. It’s not like she publicly wished she had an abortion or attempted to convince the world that her cellulite is a global feminist issue . Lena is like Trump: If seven days go by and she doesn’t make us seriously doubt our mental health or wonder if we’re living in the Upside-Down like Barb, we kinda feel like we owe her a thank you letter. We’d like to tell you that we’ll one day write an article about Lena without comparing her to Trump, but the #FakeNews has gone far enough, dammit!

The rest is here:
Lena Dunham Debuts Boob Tattoo Inspired By Rihanna

Joy-Anna Duggar: ENGAGED to Austin Forsyth!

Joy-Anna Duggar is engaged to be married! The fifth oldest daughter of Jim Bob and Michelle will be walking down the aisle with Austin Forsyth after a VERY short courtship, she confirms. “We just got engaged!” Joy-Anna, 19, announced. “I’m so excited to be engaged to my best friend.” “Austin made it so romantic, it’s amazing.” Forsyth tells Us that he is looking forward to their engagement , their marriage and all the big relationship milestones that lie ahead. “I’m just overwhelmed with emotion,” he says. “I’m so excited to be engaged because that means the next step is marriage, and I’m excited to see what the future holds for us!” The near future, apparently. We predicted earlier this week that Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth were on the fast track, but this?! Duggar and family friend Forsyth, who have known each other for 15 years, announced on November 15 that they had started courting.  Once Austin got the green light from Jim Bob , which you saw if you watch Counting On online , he was prepared to pop the question. The courtship question, that is. Not the marriage one, which he put off a solid couple of months (no word yet on where he proposed). If his previous romantic gestures are any indication, though … Austin chose a spot in a wooded area to ask Joy-Anna to enter into the courtship – a pre-engagement of sorts, in Duggar family parlance. “It’s a place that I’ve come many times to just get away and spend time with the Lord,” he said at that time about the special location. “I just knew that this was the place that I wanted to ask her.” Asking her dad if he could court Joy, Austin gushed: “Over the years, I’ve been watching, and I really admire her heart for the Lord and her character. She’s such a diligent worker.” “She gets all the younger siblings working. She’s a good delegator,” he said, awkwardly, when asked by Jim Bob why he’s into Joy. “And, of course, her beauty.” Of course . While reports of Austin and Joy having sex are most likely exaggerated, we’re also sure they’re past the side hug stage. Like Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo before them, there’s been talk of this duo breaking the courtship rules and racing to the altar from day one. So when’s the wedding? View Slideshow: Joy-Anna Duggar Photos: The New Face of a Famous Family! It’s unclear, but just days ago, Joy-Anna opened up to People magazine about the possibility of saying “I do” in the near future. “I’m not sure when the next step will come,” Joy said. “You would have to ask Austin what he’s thinking and my dad, but I’m excited to see what God has in store for us in the next year.” Clearly she had a handle on her romantic future. At 19, Joy-Anna will be the youngest bride in her generation of Duggars, but it seems she has zero qualms will taking the leap. “For Austin and Joy it probably won’t be super long just because they’ve known each other for forever,” her sister Jessa Duggar said. “There’s kind of a get-to-know you phase, [but] at the same time, we know so much about Austin and his family and we know that he’s a great guy.” View Slideshow: 13 Disturbing Things BANNED By the Duggar Family So, there you have it, folks.  Once again, these Duggar folks move at a breakneck pace once they find someone, and perhaps that’s not altogether (or at all) surprising. Each seems to move faster and faster, either by coincidence or because the notion of long-term side hugs and chaperones is unmoving. As for the two new Duggar courtships we’ve been hearing whispers about – regarding the guys, for a change – still no word on those. Congrats to Joy-Anna!!

See the article here:
Joy-Anna Duggar: ENGAGED to Austin Forsyth!

Watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians Online: Season 12 Episode 7

It was time for this famous family to take a trip on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 12 Episode 7. Seriously, they have such stressful lives, can you blame them? They need a getaway sometimes! Sheesh! Watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 12 Episode 7 Online On this installment of the reality series, Kris Jenner takes her loved ones on a surprise vacation to Vail, Colorado, despite the fact that it was clearly scripted and everyone knew it was coming. Once there, Kourtney grew concerned over Scott behavior, while everyone reacted to news of Rob being engaged to Blac Chyna. Whoa, right?!? What did they say in response? Use the video above to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online and find out now.

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Watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians Online: Season 12 Episode 7

Who Is My Superstar Stepdaughter???

Which Famous Family Is This Woman Related To? This dimple faced fountain of youth banger is actually a member of a famous family, since marrying a member a few years ago. Can you guess who her hubby and world famous stepdaughter are? Hit the flip to find out! AKM-GSI

See the rest here:
Who Is My Superstar Stepdaughter???

Michael Winans Sentenced to Prison for Ponzi Scheme

Michael Winans Jr., a member of a famous family of gospel musicians, has been sentenced for his role in a Ponzi Scheme that defrauded investors of over $8 million. He will spend 13 years and nine months behind bars. Prior to sentencing the singer, a U.S. District Court Judge came down on him for robbing “good, decent, church-going people.” Winans has said there was “no malicious intent on [his] part” and that he just “wanted people to have a good life,” though the 1,200 individual fiscally injured in his hoax may disagree with that assessment. The artist is the son of Michael Winans Sr. and older brother Benjamin “Bebe” Winans and Priscilla “Cece” Winans. He has also been ordered to $4.8 million in restitution to his victims.

Read more from the original source:
Michael Winans Sentenced to Prison for Ponzi Scheme

Family Feud: Celebrity “Blood” Battles

It’s one thing for non-celebs like us to have a “tiff” with a family member and get through it…or not. But when you’re famous, the history of the feud will live on. Now, no one is jumping for joy over family members’ anger towards each other but some famous family members have made the headlines over their troubles. Check out the stars who had some family drama to say the least…. Click Here To Read The Rest At MadameNoire.com

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Family Feud: Celebrity “Blood” Battles

Michaele Salahi: Kicked Out of Celebrity Rehab!

White House party crasher and The Real Housewives of D.C. annoyance Michaele Salahi was just kicked off Celebrity Rehab. The reason for this is simple: She has no actual addition. Sources on the set say Michaele was asked to leave Dr. Drew’s hit program because she has “no addiction,” and thus had “no reason to be there.” It’s a familiar theme for her … Michaele is as unwelcome on VH1 as she is at the State Dinner . Last week, we learned Michaele and Tareq Salahi were both cast on Rehab for reasons unknown. We feel bad that Michaele has MS, but … you can’t rehab that. Apparently the producers had this realization a little late. Wouldn’t you think the show could figure out that she wasn’t an addict before they cast her? Then again, they cast Michael Lohan and his ” anger issues .” Clearly they’re just trying to score whoever they can for ratings and work out the details later.

Read this article:
Michaele Salahi: Kicked Out of Celebrity Rehab!

Kate Gosselin Plus 8 Premiere Date Announced

Despite the objections of Jon Gosselin , Kate Plus 8 returns to the airwaves with all-new episodes beginning Monday April 4, TLC announced Tuesday. In the hour-long season premiere, the infamous reality mom takes her eight kids on their most far-flung journey to date (one that Jon tried to halt). We’ll get to see the famous family ring in a New Year in Sydney, Australia. Other highlights of their down-under adventures include playing at the beach; quality time with Australian aboriginals; a freezing-cold ocean encounter with sharks… and, despite Kate’s meltdown outside a tent in Alaska, another camping trip. It’s this kind of well-rounded, worldly experience Kate defended recently as she looked to deflect criticism of her show doing more harm than good. What do you think? Are you excited it’s coming back on?

See more here:
Kate Gosselin Plus 8 Premiere Date Announced

Beyonce’s Sister’s Hair — Oh Knowles She Didn’t!

Filed under: Wacky & Weird Beyonce’s sister finally found a way to set herself apart from her more famous family member — she’s the Knowles with the shaved head now.She must have been sick of Beyonce getting all the good buzz. See Also Beyonce’s Lil’ Sis Picks Fight with …

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Beyonce’s Sister’s Hair — Oh Knowles She Didn’t!