No offense to Justin Bieber , but Jasmine Villegas sounds ready to make a name for herself on her own merits. The 17-year old singer, who goes by Jasmine V on stage and who is wrapping up a tour with the aforementioned cutie, has made headlines over the last couple months for making out with everyone’s favorite, shaggy-haired sensation. But Jasmine has a new CD on the way and is excited to promote it without the help of Bieber. Jasmine V – All These Boys “This album is going to be a mixture of a whole lot of different things,” Villegas said in a recent interview. “The fans really get to see my personality and what I like to talk about… It’s going to be really cool.” Jasmine already has a potential hit on her hands with “All These Boys,” sung in concert above. What can she tell us about that single? “The subject of the song is not being conceited, saying that I have all these boys I don’t know which one to choose from. It’s like you go through a heartbreak or a break up, there’s still all these boys out there; there’s so many fish in the sea.” Of course, after getting to first base with Bieber, many of those fish may be very ugly by comparison.

Originally posted here:
Jasmine Villegas Dishes on New Album, Single
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged after-getting, chris-harrison, couple-months, headlines-over, hollywood-news, jasmine, Jessica Simpson, lost, painter, potential-hit, Videos