Tag Archives: father-gabriel

The Walking Dead Recap: Patience Is A Virtue.

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E pisode 7, ‘Time For After’ leads into next weeks mid-season finale of The Walking Dead and primarily focuses on our favorite mullet wearing coward Euguene . Eugene and Negan Photo: Gene Page/AMC He is currently in a pickle, he has been tasked by Negan to fix the current dilemma of a shit load of walkers surrounding the Saviors’ compound. If he doesn’ fix the situation a lot of people are going to die and there is no guarantee he won’t be one of them. That’s not the only thing worrying poor Eugene, there is also the issue of learning about Dwight being AHK’s (Alexandria, Hilltop, and Kingdom) mole.  Eugene decides to pay a visit to Dwight trying to convince him to stop his quest to bring down the Negan and the Sanctuary. He tells Dwight he won’t snitch on him if he ceases his plan but Dwight was like…   Dwight is not about to stop cause he can smell Negan’s death coming and it’s something he’s been dreaming about for a very long time. Dwight does his best to try and convince Eugene to just sit on his hands and shut off his big brain and let the Sanctuary and Negan meet their doom. Eugene isn’t trying to hear it and tells Dwight that he is Savior and the mission is to save people. Dwight wasn’t the only person trying to get Dwight to do the right thing. Eugene also has a conversation with a very ill Father Gabriel , Negan’s drunk concubine Tanya and the doctor Harlen . Eugene and Father Gabriel Photo: Gene Page/AMC They all failed miserably, of course, we even see side of Euegen we have never seen before when he angrily tells Father Gabriel he is with Negan. Eugene puts his big brain to use after he finds the iPod he gave to Sasha in the casket she died and turned into a walker in. He creates a glider out of a kite and attaches the iPod and a speaker to blast out the music. The plan is to fly the glider over the herd of walkers to grab their attention and lure them away from the sanctuary. Before he can do that Dwight shows up to stop him. Dwight tells Eugene that if even attempts to go through with his plan he will shoot him. Eugene must have a grew a pair at this moment cause he sent the glider off. BUT instead of shooting him, Dwight decides to take out the glider instead and vanishes. Eugene has his chance to snitch on Dwight to Negan, but he clams up maybe because Dwight was there to scare him into not telling on him. Also at the same moment, Daryl , Michonne , Tara , Rosita , Morgan and other members are about to mess up Rick’s plans. Continued On The Next Page

The Walking Dead Recap: Patience Is A Virtue.

Seth Gilliam Arrested for Driving REALLY Fast, Possessing Marijuana

For someone who plays a priest on television, Seth Gilliam did not have himself a very holy Sunday. The actor (who starred on The Walking Dead Season 5 as Father Gabriel Stokes and who is also known for his role on The Wire) was busted over the weekend for going 107 miles per hour in a 55 miles per hour zone. According to TMZ insider, Gilliam admitted to police officers that he had consumed three beers and a shot of liquor. After searching his vehicle, police also found a joint that was hidden in the arm rest. He later recorded a .107 blood alcohol level. The incident took place around 2 p.m. in Peachtree City, Georgia, with authorities not caring about Gilliam’s hilarious excuse for nearly doubling the speed limit: That he was driving a Chevrolet Cruze rental car and is used to a Jeep. Gilliam was taken taken into custody (for speeding, DUI and marijuana possession) and tossed into Fayette County Jail. He was eventually released after posting a $9,818 bond. And how is this for delicious irony? Gilliam will next play a police officer in a movie titled Police State! View Slideshow: 25 Most Hilarious Mug Shots Ever

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Seth Gilliam Arrested for Driving REALLY Fast, Possessing Marijuana

Seth Gilliam Arrested for Driving REALLY Fast, Possessing Marijuana

For someone who plays a priest on television, Seth Gilliam did not have himself a very holy Sunday. The actor (who starred on The Walking Dead Season 5 as Father Gabriel Stokes and who is also known for his role on The Wire) was busted over the weekend for going 107 miles per hour in a 55 miles per hour zone. According to TMZ insider, Gilliam admitted to police officers that he had consumed three beers and a shot of liquor. After searching his vehicle, police also found a joint that was hidden in the arm rest. He later recorded a .107 blood alcohol level. The incident took place around 2 p.m. in Peachtree City, Georgia, with authorities not caring about Gilliam’s hilarious excuse for nearly doubling the speed limit: That he was driving a Chevrolet Cruze rental car and is used to a Jeep. Gilliam was taken taken into custody (for speeding, DUI and marijuana possession) and tossed into Fayette County Jail. He was eventually released after posting a $9,818 bond. And how is this for delicious irony? Gilliam will next play a police officer in a movie titled Police State! View Slideshow: 25 Most Hilarious Mug Shots Ever

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Seth Gilliam Arrested for Driving REALLY Fast, Possessing Marijuana