Tag Archives: find-on-social

Cindy Crawford Tits of the Day

Cindy Crawford is old, and her narcissism has been diverted with laser sharp accuracy on whoring out her teen daughter….but I guess with people obsessed with the 90s like everyone…it’s the 90s revival…people are still into her…despite her looking her fucking age. I have seen her in person…and it turns out that she’s fucking amazing in person…we exchanged smiles…made eye contact…as she entered her hotel years ago….I didn’t follow her in, security didn’t like me and she probably only smiled because she probably thought I was a homeless guy…or someone with downs syndrome down on his luck who needed a little pick me up…when in reality…all I needed was for her to invite me into said hotel room and sit on my face…which obviously didn’t happen…but that was decades ago..and I don’t know if she would still have that star power or presence…but I do know that her tits are out, her and her husband are stupid rich, her daughter even as a teen being whored out is hot, and that’s more than I care to know about 90s models who should have died off to me in the 90s…but thanks to the fucking internet all these people get second and third lives to their celebrity…instead of their disappearing. We have pics of 90s Cindy, we really don’t need this. She should go back to destroying her daughter’s soul, by cashing in on her look at 16, even though they don’t need the money, they just like the money and probably think they are teaching her work ethic, thanks to skirting through life not working her entire life and having at least one Malibu beach house to show for it.

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Cindy Crawford Tits of the Day

January Jones Booty Shorts of the Day

When you’re a single mother, because your baby daddy wants nothing to do with you, but likely sends her monthly checks…you do what you can to make ends meet, including but not limited to giving us glimpses of how she got a career in the first place…exhibitionism in a playful way so it seems less desperate and whorish while it is still desperate and whorish…. Obviously, she is pandering to some group of virgin loser tit lover, and I guess ass lover, in a low level way that people pretend isn’t low level thanks to her being on TV, making her high level by default…she’s got that TV stamp of approval…..unlike all the other girls who wear shorts like this who are like 20 years old and we want to see dressed like this… We all know that dicks were sucked to get to this point in her career…we also know she’s 40, living single mother being a stereotype ass out…for male attention..and you probably find it hot…

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January Jones Booty Shorts of the Day

Julia Liepa Naked Photoshoot of the Day

Julia Liepa is a titty model, who you can find on Social Media, who like all titty models on instagram, is showing off her titties…which I guess when you’re a Russian, it’s a good tactic to make a lot of money, their hard work ethic that no longer needs to go to work camps has all the discipline needed to make it as a sex worker, while having no soul…thanks to culturally being from a grey, dark, cold, communist, pragmatic ideology.. Point being…that there are so many of these girls all over the world doing the same thing….getting naked or half naked to get noticed….doing the same toplessness they are all doing making it very hard for some pervert like me to keep up with…and eventually being frustrating because it’s all the same bullshit, and it works well enough for them, taking them away from actually fucking on camera like we’d want to see a famewhore, because they don’t need to fuck on camera, they just need to shoot pics of their tits…and get rich dudes to support them. What I am saying is that all these titty models showing their tits are fucking up the system, disrupting and throwing off the balance of desperate girls being desperate enough to do desperate things…while all they have to do is flash tit.

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Julia Liepa Naked Photoshoot of the Day