Tag Archives: fitting-shorts

Melissa Rauch for The Stndrd Magazine of the Day

I don’t watch Big Bang Theory…I actually fucking hate it. I find it simplistic comfort humor, because it is a formula that people have grown up being forced to watch back when we only had 3 network channels that decided what we watch… I know that the show is obviously very successful, because people love watching it…I guess because they missed Friends…and the execs figured if nerd speak was thrown into the mix…in this nerd era…casting average looking girls…they can’t get sued…as long as the bad acting, bad jokes, and bad characters don’t have Jennifer Aniston hard nipples, or coffee shops…replaced with computer talk…the moron world will buy into it…and they did…because the main cast is getting 100 million dollars EACH over the next 4 years of doing this… What a scam…and here’s one of the characters named Melissa Rauch flashing pink panties…not because it is erotic, not because it is relevant, not because she is hot…not because her booty is hot…but because you’re a nerd loser…and probably jerk off to this character on the show you probably watch…I hate you..I am doing this because I hate you… The post Melissa Rauch for The Stndrd Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Melissa Rauch for The Stndrd Magazine of the Day

Kate Upton Lies of the Day

TELL HER TO TURN SIDEWAYS!!! TELL HER TO TURN SIDEWAYS!! I know this party trick, so many fat people do it, I used to have a fat uncle who would take off his shirt and start fleing like he was a body builder before molesting us… As long as he stood straight on, he almost looked like he was fit…up on some Vin Diesel shit….but the second he turned sideways, you’d see he was just a fat fucking slob…and that was without photoshop…something Kate Upton can’t go without…I mean I’m sure she’s even taken on her grandfather, who invented the washing machine’s inventor lead in trying to design a way to look like you’ve been photoshopped in real life… But I don’t think it’s working for her…at least not in these ill fitting shorts you know could house a scout troop on a camping trip…. Disgusting, sure…but people love her…and it’s all because of her tits…if only life was that simple for every girl with tits…since every girl has tits…just not quite as flappy as Kate Upton tits… TO SEE HER IN SHORTS CLICK HERE The post Kate Upton Lies of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate Upton Lies of the Day

Margot Robbie’s Ill Fitting Shorts of the Day

Margot Robbie is in Canada shooting some bullshit movie starring Will Smith…you know one of those high budget, going to be a massive box office success, because the idiot general public love comic book shit, even when it is shit… Which makes me wonder about this Margot Robbie character…who is best know, or really only known as being the hot chick Leo fucks in Wolf of Wall Street…who before Wolf of Wall Street was just some Australian no one ever heard of…making me wonder why or how she got into not just one big budget movie that 1000s of actors in LA dream of…but two…. But more importantly, I wonder about these ill-fitting shorts, that look like a weird fucking diaper…totally worn wrong….not that I’m a fashion icon, or critic, but I am a pervert and this looks fucking strange…and not just because it’s not very period friendly…but because her ass and pussy aren’t spilling out all over the place..something you can assume her ass and pussy do at all the auditions she goes to.. I guess what I am trying to say is that I like Australians. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Margot Robbie’s Ill Fitting Shorts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Margot Robbie’s Ill Fitting Shorts of the Day