Tag Archives: posting-slutty

Maria Kn Nude Shoot of the Day

Maria Kn has a pretty hard face, but I’ll assume the K in her name is soft, a little Maria NNNNNNNNN, rather than Maria KA-NNNNN I don’t understand how a white looking girl has such a weird two character / one character name… Is it her stripper name, if that was the case, couldn’t she come up with something better, like Destiny, or something floral…like Rose…Maria Rose, Maria Destiny…or even her street name…Maria Maple…or anything but Kn… Why does Kn as a name bother me so much, is this systematic racism…some I fear what I don’t know? I don’t have the answer, and I am not going to google it, she’s not famous or relevant enough to bother with, but she is a broken in her mind and soul girl from instagram who gets naked and that’s really all we need to know and bother with…and understand that like many women…she likes playing dress up…she likes playing model and doing stupid poses her tits out…and this is it. The post Maria Kn Nude Shoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Maria Kn Nude Shoot of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens Slutty Latex Erotica of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens – Disney Kid with a propensity to getting naked on her cellular phone, having those images leaked, pretending to be humiliated by it, only to do it again a bunch of years later, because she actually fucking loved it…. I know girl, all kinds of girls, from all kinds of walks of life. I’m an old guy and I have been a friend to various girls forever, I prefer girls to guys, not just because of their breasts, but because dudes are fucking gross and hanging with the boys is queer, and what I have learned from these friendships is that 98 percent of women love sending nude pics of themselves to dudes they are into, 92 percent like posting slutty pics of themselves for strangers on instagram, and none of these girls are child stars, raised and brainwashed by Disney to be entertainers… So you put that into the mix….and there’s not way the nudes are intentional, narcissistic, and when compared to the coffee shop girl doing it, you realize…that bitches love being seuxalized…all of them…just not by dudes they find gross..like me… Point being, Van Hudgens in latex is a good time for her fans who either jerked off to her Disney Show or her leaked nudes while doing her Disney show..because she hasn’t got fat. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Vanessa Hudgens Slutty Latex Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Vanessa Hudgens Slutty Latex Erotica of the Day

Katherine Heigl in her Slutty Robe of the Day

Instagram gone nuts, even Katherine Heigl’s posting slutty pictures of herself in a bathrobe like some kind of instagram thot, despite being Katherine Heigl, someone I assume no one ever wanted to see naked except maybe the producer who molested her to get her first job that just sort of snowballed into a co-star role on some shit longest running bootleg version of George Clooney’s ER. She is from that show isn’t she? Who fucking knows why I am posting this…but I am…maybe it is my 5 star hotel bath robe fetish…yeah…must be that cuz it ain’t this old bitch pretending to be a young bitch who just got her first mirror and smart phone… The post Katherine Heigl in her Slutty Robe of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Katherine Heigl in her Slutty Robe of the Day

Bella THorne and Sister for Nike of the Day

Bella Thorne is a little narcissist who loves posting slutty pics of herself for attention – because her parents taught her how important that is for her to do… I remember when being a vain narcissist was something you were told you couldn’t openly show the world…that you’d be slaughtered and destroyed…and when people were self hating, destined for failure, self medicating, disasters who didn’t feel as hot as the models in the magazines…yet now…everyone seems to think they are hot enough for the magazines because all these ugly fat people are famous and magazines are now instagram…it’s super fucking weird….but now it’s celebrated and gets these people paid… People that are so annoying to be around because they think they are important…when really they are just shit.. The post Bella THorne and Sister for Nike of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella THorne and Sister for Nike of the Day

Audrey Fleurot Topless in LUI of the Day

Audrey Fleurot is some FRENCH from FRANCE because that’s where the FRENCH are from actress…who was in Midnight in Paris… She’s an old (39 so practically dead) redhead, looks like Maitland Ward, with some big redhead tits and most excitingly big redhead bush…which means the world to me because I fucking love bush and have never had redhead bush…because redheads like so many girls but even more dramatically than so many girls make sure to wax that shit – like it’s a bad thing – even though it’s a gift from god… I know what you’re thinking, redheads with their pale skin and super strength from surviving in the woods hundreds of years ago when their parents thought they were demons….leads to wild and crazy people…something you’d want to fuck…because it will destroy you…them with all their effort being put in because they are insecure about being redheaded freaks.. But I’m so into it…I wasn’t when I was in high school at could have fucked a redhead…only to throw up at her orange as fuck inhuman bush…but I’m older now..and ready… Lui Magazine should be a leader to you all, they were a hardcore porn mag, that became a naked celebrity magazine – all out of France…where tits are conidered bikini tops… I approve of all this… The post Audrey Fleurot Topless in LUI of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Audrey Fleurot Topless in LUI of the Day

Margot Robbie’s Ill Fitting Shorts of the Day

Margot Robbie is in Canada shooting some bullshit movie starring Will Smith…you know one of those high budget, going to be a massive box office success, because the idiot general public love comic book shit, even when it is shit… Which makes me wonder about this Margot Robbie character…who is best know, or really only known as being the hot chick Leo fucks in Wolf of Wall Street…who before Wolf of Wall Street was just some Australian no one ever heard of…making me wonder why or how she got into not just one big budget movie that 1000s of actors in LA dream of…but two…. But more importantly, I wonder about these ill-fitting shorts, that look like a weird fucking diaper…totally worn wrong….not that I’m a fashion icon, or critic, but I am a pervert and this looks fucking strange…and not just because it’s not very period friendly…but because her ass and pussy aren’t spilling out all over the place..something you can assume her ass and pussy do at all the auditions she goes to.. I guess what I am trying to say is that I like Australians. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Margot Robbie’s Ill Fitting Shorts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Margot Robbie’s Ill Fitting Shorts of the Day

Margot Robbie’s Ill Fitting Shorts of the Day

Margot Robbie is in Canada shooting some bullshit movie starring Will Smith…you know one of those high budget, going to be a massive box office success, because the idiot general public love comic book shit, even when it is shit… Which makes me wonder about this Margot Robbie character…who is best know, or really only known as being the hot chick Leo fucks in Wolf of Wall Street…who before Wolf of Wall Street was just some Australian no one ever heard of…making me wonder why or how she got into not just one big budget movie that 1000s of actors in LA dream of…but two…. But more importantly, I wonder about these ill-fitting shorts, that look like a weird fucking diaper…totally worn wrong….not that I’m a fashion icon, or critic, but I am a pervert and this looks fucking strange…and not just because it’s not very period friendly…but because her ass and pussy aren’t spilling out all over the place..something you can assume her ass and pussy do at all the auditions she goes to.. I guess what I am trying to say is that I like Australians. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Margot Robbie’s Ill Fitting Shorts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Margot Robbie’s Ill Fitting Shorts of the Day

Taylor Swift’s Intense Instagram of the Day

Taylor Swift’s getting racy in her marketing…but I guess like LeeAnn Rimes before her taught us…you can be a homewrecking, fake titty, drunken or medicated slut, and people will still buy your Christmas album… Country music fans are forgiving…they are people of the church, of Jesus, and as long as you’re not Black…or a Jew…but rather a good well rounded American Girl…who they grew up with…or who they watched grow up…they will always have your back…while famous dudes are cumming on your back.. You see, people like Taylor Swift…have managed to trick the world on multiple levels by speaking to their own insecurities and emotions when it comes to failed datings…she’s played the vulnerable victim just looking for love…when in reality shes just looking for a double penetration while eating out a model…and here she is posting slutty pics to instagram…as all girls do these days..and that I thank them for doing…because it helps me get through this meaningless life.. The post Taylor Swift’s Intense Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Taylor Swift’s Intense Instagram of the Day

Taylor Swift’s Intense Instagram of the Day

Taylor Swift’s getting racy in her marketing…but I guess like LeeAnn Rimes before her taught us…you can be a homewrecking, fake titty, drunken or medicated slut, and people will still buy your Christmas album… Country music fans are forgiving…they are people of the church, of Jesus, and as long as you’re not Black…or a Jew…but rather a good well rounded American Girl…who they grew up with…or who they watched grow up…they will always have your back…while famous dudes are cumming on your back.. You see, people like Taylor Swift…have managed to trick the world on multiple levels by speaking to their own insecurities and emotions when it comes to failed datings…she’s played the vulnerable victim just looking for love…when in reality shes just looking for a double penetration while eating out a model…and here she is posting slutty pics to instagram…as all girls do these days..and that I thank them for doing…because it helps me get through this meaningless life.. The post Taylor Swift’s Intense Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Taylor Swift’s Intense Instagram of the Day

Paris Hilton Hot for Instagram of the Day

You got to give it to Paris Hilton. She has been pretty resilient in her career…like a cockroach…which is actually a good name for her since she loves cock…a lot.. It’s like she had the brand name as her last name, played it up and ended up making a lot of her own money from it. She was one of the first rich kids turned pornstar turned self made rich kid…and she keeps going and going – even when people just don’t fucking care about her.. She’s out there DJing, hustling, running an entourage, traveling the world, making money…all while people don’t fucking care about her. She’s even doing lingerie photoshoots…posting slutty selfies…even when people don’t care about her… She beats to her own drum and doesn’t care that people don’t care…and if she’s getting half naked in the process…all old, herped up, but still not fat…I am all fucking for it…even if I’ve seen her fuck badly, back in her prime…I think she is inspiring to us all that we just need to keep on going…even when the world thinks we should have stopped long ago…

Paris Hilton Hot for Instagram of the Day