Tag Archives: least-erotic

Bella THorne and Sister for Nike of the Day

Bella Thorne is a little narcissist who loves posting slutty pics of herself for attention – because her parents taught her how important that is for her to do… I remember when being a vain narcissist was something you were told you couldn’t openly show the world…that you’d be slaughtered and destroyed…and when people were self hating, destined for failure, self medicating, disasters who didn’t feel as hot as the models in the magazines…yet now…everyone seems to think they are hot enough for the magazines because all these ugly fat people are famous and magazines are now instagram…it’s super fucking weird….but now it’s celebrated and gets these people paid… People that are so annoying to be around because they think they are important…when really they are just shit.. The post Bella THorne and Sister for Nike of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella THorne and Sister for Nike of the Day

Daniela Lopez Osorio in Bathing Suits of the DAy

No idea who Daniela Lopez Osorio – but I’ll assume she’s some instagram whore on the rise- trying to make it in a world of so many instagram whores – not needing to be real models because modeling agencies will sign and promote anyone with some level of following – and luckily for all these girls – modeling requires no talent – just an ability to not feel like an asshole while posing like an asshole because you’re an asshole with an asshole I’d like to stick my tongue inside to try to eat whatever she had for dinner the previous night – not because I am into shit – but because I’m into hot girls trying to make it who look like this… So Daniela Lopez Osorio is alright This shoot is fucking cheese….cheese I’m into eating cuz of this ass.. TO SEE THE REST OF THIS CRAZY BOOTY CLICK HERE The post Daniela Lopez Osorio in Bathing Suits of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Daniela Lopez Osorio in Bathing Suits of the DAy

Margot Robbie as Tonya Harding is the Least Erotic thing You’ll See Ever

I have not been a huge fan of Margot Robbie. I get that she was hot in Wolf of Wall Street, but there are a lot of hot girls in the world, and she wasn’t even that hot…at least not hot enough to generate this career she’s pulled off.. Not to mention, since Wolf of Wall Street, she’s been not very hot in anything she does, yet she’s getting this crazy high paying roles. A fucking Australian – taking your damn jobs – playing the hot chick – when she’s not even that hot.. Who’s fucking dick did she suck to created that situation… We’ve seen her in the paparazzi in her bikinis, we’ve seen her in photoshoots, we’ve probably seen her naked somewhere – or maybe that was just Wolf of Wall Street…and now she’s in a role more fitting for her married, overrated ass.. Tonya Harding… Pictures from set…are about as hot as you’d expect them to be…more importantly – they are as hot as Margot Robbie is in everything but Wolf of Wall Street.. I don’t get it, but I do find these pics hilarious and sometimes laughter is a good thing…it outweighs hot…which is a good thing for these mom jeans… VIA Click Here The post Margot Robbie as Tonya Harding is the Least Erotic thing You’ll See Ever appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Margot Robbie as Tonya Harding is the Least Erotic thing You’ll See Ever

Bikini Girls Driving Fast in Bikinis of the Day

Here’s a ridiculous video that proves everything is better, or worth watching, when you involve girls, hot or not, real titties or not, half naked….cuz guys will watch girls, hot or not, do anything half naked…from sweeping, to gardening, to picking their nose….to the least erotic thing….because guys are fucking perverts and I would not have it any other way…cuz I like looking at half naked girls under any and all circumstances…and the reality is that girls like it when we look…it is some animal instinct shit…. TO SEE THE VIDEO FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Bikini Girls Driving Fast in Bikinis of the Day