Tag Archives: flour-bombed

Adam Levine Gets Flour Bombed of the Day

Adam Levine is an interesting celebrity, because I have never met anyone who says they love, like or even respect Adam Levine. In fact, I’ve only heard the opposite…that people fucking hate him, and it isn’t just my circle of people, who hate everything, but also random people in pharmacies when his songs come on, or random people in grocery stores, or really anywhere…because I guess we all feel violated by that fucking voice…but I guess thanks to THE VOICE, he still exists, still matters, and white trash America or someone, possibly his mom, as you know how Jewish moms are….are buying up his albums, paying the radio to play them… I guess the people have spoken with this sugar bomb / flower bomb / that is probbaly similar to a weekend with the models he fucks…and to the Adam Levine / Avril Lavigne haters…this will bring joy and happiness… The post Adam Levine Gets Flour Bombed of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Adam Levine Gets Flour Bombed of the Day

Kim Kardashian Shouldn’t Exist – Happy Armenian Independence Day of the Day

Today is Armenian Independence Day… The worst thng about Armenian Independence Day is knowing that if the Turks worked a little harder and smarter, Kim Kardashian wouldn’t exist…. That is a major failure on their part…because Kim Kardashian has become the representation of all things wrong in the world…I have no idea why she’s only getting flour bombed, when all logic would lead me to think she’d be actually bombed….she’s the fucking worst. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS OF HER AND KANYE CRYING FOR ATTENTION IN THE MOST BORING WAY FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kim Kardashian Shouldn’t Exist – Happy Armenian Independence Day of the Day

Kim Kardashian Mute on Pressing Charges Against Flour-Bomber


Facebook.com – Become a Fan! Twitter.com – Follow Us! Kim Kardashian lunches it at Toast Restaurant, and upon her exit is asked about her being flour bombed on the red carpet Thursday night. She jokes about “getting baked” but when asked if about her intent to press charges against her flour bomber…Kim stays mute.

Continued here:

Kim Kardashian Mute on Pressing Charges Against Flour-Bomber

Kris Jenner: So Proud of Kim!

Kris Jenner is acting like both a mother and a manager in light of her daughter getting flour bombed during a fragrance launch in Los Angeles. The Kardashian matriarch took to her blog yesterday and commented on just how well Kim handled the unusual incident, writing: “I am so proud of my daughter for handling this situation so professionally and with such poise!.Kim wasn’t phased by the attack and simply walked away from the red carpet, brushed herself off and headed right back out!!” Kim Kardashian: Flour Bombed! Kim actually is now considering pressing charges against the culprit, who was detained and released and NOT hired by PETA , that awful organization insists. Jenner then concluded: “Thanks to everyone at Lighthouse Beauty and The London Hotel for such a fantastic event, and for handling the situation so well.” Ah, yes, there it is: the plug. Kris likely made thousands with that sentence alone. Are we sure the Kardashians didn’t orchestrate this attack?

Original post:
Kris Jenner: So Proud of Kim!

Kim Kardashian Flour Bomb: Kaught on Kamera!

Kim Kardashian has been flour bombed. As previously reported, the professional celebrity was doing what she does best last night in Los Angeles – posing on a red carpet – when a young woman ran up and doused her with a bag of white powder later identified as basic cooking flour. “I’m fine,” Kardashian told E! News after the incident. “You have to laugh it off! I brushed off and came right back out.” She also didn’t press charges against the culprit, who was detained by police and then released. What does it say that a tiny percentage of the THG staff wonders whether Kim concocted this flap on her own for the sake of publicity and sympathy? Just the obvious, we suppose. Watch footage from the event now: Kim Kardashian: Flour Bombed!

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Kim Kardashian Flour Bomb: Kaught on Kamera!