Adam Levine is an interesting celebrity, because I have never met anyone who says they love, like or even respect Adam Levine. In fact, I’ve only heard the opposite…that people fucking hate him, and it isn’t just my circle of people, who hate everything, but also random people in pharmacies when his songs come on, or random people in grocery stores, or really anywhere…because I guess we all feel violated by that fucking voice…but I guess thanks to THE VOICE, he still exists, still matters, and white trash America or someone, possibly his mom, as you know how Jewish moms are….are buying up his albums, paying the radio to play them… I guess the people have spoken with this sugar bomb / flower bomb / that is probbaly similar to a weekend with the models he fucks…and to the Adam Levine / Avril Lavigne haters…this will bring joy and happiness… The post Adam Levine Gets Flour Bombed of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Adam Levine Gets Flour Bombed of the Day