Did Rick Santorum almost call President Obama the n-word? Multiple news outlets are featuring a video of the Republican President candidate speaking to a crowd in Wisconsin this week (below), where he said: “We know the candidate Barack Obama, what he was like – the anti-war government …” He then starts to say a word starting with “n-” or “ni-“. He continues, “America was a source for division around the world, that what we were doing was wrong.” Did he almost drop the n-word? Listen: Rick Santorum N-Word Obama Line Santorum’s team, of course, insists this is BS : “Give me a break. That’s unbelievable. What does it say about those that are running with this story that that’s where their mind goes. You know, I’m not going to dignify that with [a response].” The n-word, one hopes, is never in anyone’s thoughts, even subconsciously. The debates showed time and again that Rick Santorum, when frustrated, rapidly loses eloquence and becomes tongue-tied, stuttering slightly. Could that be all this is? On the flip side … what other ni-word was that supposed to be? You tell us: Was Santorum about to drop the n-bomb?
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Did Rick Santorum Almost Call President Obama the N-Word?