Tag Archives: the-contestents

Christina Milian Titties for The Voice Finale of the Day

I watched the season Finale of The Voice…not because I watch The Voice…or care about The Voice…but because every so often I need to get myself angry…as Ameica celebrates boring singers in talent contest hosted by even more boring singers who have fucked the system and made it…despite whatever natural talent they may have…they all fucking suck….from Christina Aguilera to Adam Levine and CeeLo Green….they just a bunch of commercial successes who figured out how to trick the world for personal gain…while the contestents are just being exploited….and the one who won was just some boring chick middle America jumped on cuz Middle America Watches this shit cuz nothing else is going on in their hick lives… That said…the highlight of the show…was this dress….Christina Milian’s tits all exposed as much as legally allowed on primetime network TV…and I was pretty into it….but in my defense…compared to Aguilera, Kelly Clarkson and Ceelo….being monitored by The Biggest Loser trainers to not eat the contestents…I was pretty easy to please….

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Christina Milian Titties for The Voice Finale of the Day

Tom Hanks Toddlers and Tiara’s for Jimmy Kimmel of the Day

Nice to see that I’m not the only person into Sexy Baby contests….Jon Benet just put me over the edge….I’m just fucking around…I am just annoyed that people think “DrunkenStepfather” means I rape my stepdaughters…when really it should mean I don’t provide for them because I am too busy spending their mother’s money on buying me more drink and hookers who let me ejaculate in them….Not anywhere on the site does it say anything about molesting family…even if they deserve it or even if you want to give them the gift of repressed memories that haunt them from ever wanting an intimate relationship due to an inability to ever trust a man….you know making lesbbians one midnight bedroom visit at a time…but I’m not into that shit… I am however into spotting talent, and whoever they hired to play Tom Hanks in this Jimmy Kimmel viral is easilyg gonna be the next Justin Beaver. That said…Jimmy Kimmel’s viral videos bring hope that Funny Or Die isn’t the home of celebrities in stupid skits and I’d like to thank him for that.

Tom Hanks Toddlers and Tiara’s for Jimmy Kimmel of the Day

Dancing With The Stars New Contestants of the Day

Dancing with the Stars – the place people who were people who were once on TV go to die…The last hurrah before imprending career suicide….who think that maybe this will put them into the spotlight and reinvent their careers – despite the fact that it hasn’t dont that for any contestant in the last decade – but instead is just popular cuz it’s where the general public go to point and laugh cuz we like seeing celebs at their worse….It makes us feel better about our shitty selves… Here are some of the contestents they announced…. Tsunami Survivor and Boyfriend Killer Petra Nemcova…. Kirstie Alley to See If Her Heart Explodes into a fiery mess of butter, chocolate, pastries and fried food as she starts to break a sweat….clearly hoping for Kelly Osbourne effect, probably gonna end up with the Bernie Mac….. Wendy Williams to keep shit loud and annoying….filled with forced tears and contrived drama…hoping it will increase ratings… Kendra brings the needed trash….you know cuz the sex tape wasn’t bottom feeding enough for her….

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Dancing With The Stars New Contestants of the Day