Tag Archives: focus-on-fake

Kendall Jenner’s Love Magazine Cover of the Day

Kendall Jenner is naked in the new issue of Love Magazine. I don’t know if it will be actual nudity, implied nudity, or really worth looking at, I just know the cover was released today and they have a couple other version that don’t star Kendall Jenner…like the Adriana Lima cover and the Amy Adams cover…but they have clothes on – because I guess they aren’t as big of whores as the Jenners… The whole Kardashian family is a scam, they don’t interest me, and I figure unless Kendall is following in her sister’s footsteps of getting peed on by black guys in video, there’s no point in looking at pics of her pretending to be a model because she can be a model…it is actually really easy work… Nudity isn’t what it was…everyone is naked – and sure I’ll look – but a nipple isn’t going to blow my fucking mind…however…more hardcore stuff will…she should try that route even if they family consensus is that Kim did the dirty work, now we can focus on fake careers that our access let’s us think we have because we’re such a huge deal…bullshit… But maybe this shoot will impress me, I guess we’ll have to wait and see, and I’ll tell you one thing, I’m not on the edge of my seat shaking in anticipation – who gives a fuck about this….

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Kendall Jenner’s Love Magazine Cover of the Day