Not so fast, Mel Gibson. Earlier today, we reported that this troubled actor filed for a restraining order against ex-girlfriend and current baby mama Oksana Grigorieva. But TMZ has learned Grigorieva’s lawyers beat Gibson to it: the attorneys scheduled an emergency hearing in family law court on Monday, telling the judge an order of protection was needed against Gibson because he acted “extremely violent” toward their client. If this allegation is true, it would only be shocking because Oksana isn’t Jewish . In response to his former lover’s filing, Gibson’s order only prohibits Grigorieva from releasing certain pieces of information. Those tidbits appear related to confronations that began in January. A source close to the actor acknowledges some sort of fight took place, but says the pair traveled together happily soon afterwards. This insider added: “In these cases, when somebody cries wolf, the judge is mandated to assume there’s a wolf, until a full hearing can be held.” Meanwhile, a Grigorieva source also alluded to events in early 2010 and argued his acquaintance’s side: “There were other acts after January that were not physical but still constituted domestic violence.” Sadly, this gives new meaning to Gibson’s classic Lethal Weapon franchise.

Read more from the original source:
Oksana Grigorieva Accuses Mel Gibson of "Extremely Violent" Behavior
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged actor, certain-pieces, client, from-releasing, gibson, Gossip, grigorieva, Hollywood, judge, news update, oksana-grigorieva, says-the-pair, stars, troubled