Tag Archives: from-the-90s

Carmen Electra Fitness Makes me Laugh of the Day

I saw these pictures the other day and they made me laugh for two reasons… The first was that I couldn’t remember what Carmen Electra’s name was, and I actually had to google her to figure out the MTV Playmate from the 90s who never had a baby and who is now menopausal despite the desperation to stay hot that her botox, rebuilt, scared to get old because her looks are all she ever had face face is screaming… The second…is how fucking funny her botox, trying to stay young, rebuilt face looks… I guess bitches don’t know how to age gracefully, even when they know how to squat… Here are her workout moves to inspire you to never get old…or to kill yourself before you do because even with a toned stomach you look stupid as shit trying to stay hot… If you don’t like that, then here she is on a date with Joanna Krupa, because low level titty models who have made it stick together CLICK HERE

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Carmen Electra Fitness Makes me Laugh of the Day

Update: James Harden’s New Thickly Thick Skripper Buddy’s Identity Has Finally Been Revealed!

James Harden’s New Boo Revealed This picture surfaced this morning and it’s quite interesting. Some are saying that the thick young lady is the same Cyn who hangs out with Drake but that’s not the case. Cyn is a butter pecan and this woman is dark and lovely. Whoever she is, we see what she’s working with. Update: It turns out the young lady’s name is Syn and she works at the infamous Club Athens in Houston. Oh you were surprised she’s a stripper? Seriously? After identifying her, we grabbed some pics for your enjoyment. Take a look. Continue reading

Destiny’s Children: The 9 Best “Girl” Groups Of The 90s

Best Female Music Groups Of The 90s Destiny’s Child is back recording music together these days, which we’re all happy to hear. They’re one of the good groups still rocking from the 90s…sorta. Most of the 90s female groups are either split up or just gone for good. But we definitely remember the golden age of girl groups that the 90s brought us. Take a look and let us know your favorite. Continue reading

Daisy Fuentes Bikini New Years Pic of the Day

Daisy Fuentes posted this amazing picture to her instagram for New Years Eve….but based on her level of relevance…it has taken the public a week to find it….but I am sure glad they did…cuz I like seeing babes from the 90s who are in their 40s rockin’ bikinis in the snow…showcasing their fake tits…while having a good ol’ winter time….it’s my porn….my very specific fetish that Daisy Fuentes just catered to….what a slut.

Excerpt from:
Daisy Fuentes Bikini New Years Pic of the Day

Vida Guerra Wishes You a Happy 2013 of the Day

Vida Guerra is so nice to her fans….because she knows she only has a few people who still remember her as her relevance of being the FHM Ass from the 90s…is kinda dwindling…so she does what all girls who are famous for their ass does…and that’s send out a message to those who still care….on her asss…and you know what…it’s 2013 and I love fat asses so why the fuck not endorse this hustle…cuz it’s better than the New Years Eve message I sent my fans….seeing as I have no fans…I just passed out on the floor in my own puke and dog shit…good times. Happy new Year fuckers. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Vida Guerra Wishes You a Happy 2013 of the Day

Jessica Biel’s Got a Good Dress of the Day

Here’s a little Jessica Timberlake…who held out for years to be Jessica Timberlake….cuz you know in the 8 years they were “dating”….Justin Timberlake was at his peak…where he was off having his own REINDEER GAMES ….and I guess when you suck up jealousy and let your man do whatever it is they want to do while you sit at home hoping to get acting work…they decide “shit, I’ll stick it out with this one, even give her the baby she wants, cuz she doesn’t fucking annoy me like all the other jealous bitches out there”…reminding girls everywhere…to let your man fuck other girls…cuz it will make them love you more…. That said, Jessica Biel’s doing a good job making me appreciate her for more than a really fit and muscular body…as she wears this dress braless, probably with pasties..but suggestive enough to make me think I can see her full tit and that’s something fucking magical… TIS THE FUCKING SEASON

See the article here:
Jessica Biel’s Got a Good Dress of the Day

I Think Rose McGowan Looks Good of the Day

It seems like the news of the day…or the highlight of the day…or the shit everyone is talking about today…is Rose McGowan’s face…being a little fucked up looking thanks to plastic surgery or botox she’s likely addicted to…that all started after a car accident..but I think she looks lovely…like a delicate flower…that needs to be cared for by me… I’m not saying that because she told me I was an asshole and that I should be nicer before blocking me on facebook…you know tender words that made me feel loved and appreciated… I’m saying that because at 40, she’s still got it going on, and she will forever be the great tits from the 90s I masturbated to…. I also like how she’s DRESSED FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON ….like a present I’d want under my tree…but then again…I’d pretty much want her everywhere I can get her….She’s a serious babe…

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I Think Rose McGowan Looks Good of the Day

Megan Fox in her Underwear for a Movie Trailer of the Day

Thanks to modern technology – there is always going to be access to a half naked Megan Fox before she was pregnant….and thank to post partum and a hatred for the baby who ruined your career and the man who polluted you with the baby that ruined your career through brain washing and guilt tripping, coupled with a need to make money, cuz the guy you let pollute you with a baby is not really a money maker, and 90210 money from the 90s can’t last forever….along with the fact that there are countless…millions even…hot girls who are more appealing than Alba who are fighting for the same gigs…and who are willing to get naked for those roles….I can assume she’ll be naked in movies before she dies…and it may be something to look forward to, depending on how she bounces back….

See original here:
Megan Fox in her Underwear for a Movie Trailer of the Day

Megan Fox in her Underwear for a Movie Trailer of the Day

Thanks to modern technology – there is always going to be access to a half naked Megan Fox before she was pregnant….and thank to post partum and a hatred for the baby who ruined your career and the man who polluted you with the baby that ruined your career through brain washing and guilt tripping, coupled with a need to make money, cuz the guy you let pollute you with a baby is not really a money maker, and 90210 money from the 90s can’t last forever….along with the fact that there are countless…millions even…hot girls who are more appealing than Alba who are fighting for the same gigs…and who are willing to get naked for those roles….I can assume she’ll be naked in movies before she dies…and it may be something to look forward to, depending on how she bounces back….

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Megan Fox in her Underwear for a Movie Trailer of the Day

Where’d Our Childhoods Go? A Gallery Of All Our 90s R&B Stars That Fell Off…Super Hard

90s R&B Stars Whose Careers Fell Off Didn’t we love the 90s? It was full of awesome clothes, dope TV shows and the best music. Unfortunately, our favorite music stars haven’t stood the test of time. It seems like all of the best R&B stars from the 90s should have just gone away and chilled right around the year 2000. Sadly, they’ve stuck around. And they’ve done nothing but embarrass themselves since. Sigh…how the mighty have fallen.

Where’d Our Childhoods Go? A Gallery Of All Our 90s R&B Stars That Fell Off…Super Hard