Tag Archives: from-the-90s

Shauna Sand’s Zombie Corpse Ass in a Bikini Influences Her Daughter Proper of the Day

This is fascinaing to me – I have been following Shauna Sand for a while – because I am weird like that – the kind of guy fascinated with bottom of the barrel, last week’s kitchen garbage no one wants or in this case Playboy’s kitchen garbage from the 90s…. I’ve always wondered how her daughter with Lorenzo Lamas was going to turn out…..she’s probably 16 now, so when I started she was 8….and I didn’t know if her mother humiliated her, as Shauna Sand would humiliate you if she was your mom…..you know exposing her FLESHY DEAD LOOKING VAGINA IN A SEX TAPE WITH A MALE ESCORT SHE CARTED AROUND 10 YEARS LATER THAN SHE SHOULD HAVE or all the walking around half naked, in whore shoes, I didn’t know whether the daughter, a product of divorce, would be a prude, rebelling against her mom’s way, or if she’d follow her lead and walk around in heels and a thong for the world to stare at her confused…trying to understand what hey just experienced…. I guess this pic answers that question I had….and I’m pretty glad things worked out this way…. To See The Rest of the Pics of Shauna Sands Dressed as A Corpse….. FOLLOW THIS LINK I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US

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Shauna Sand’s Zombie Corpse Ass in a Bikini Influences Her Daughter Proper of the Day

Cindy Crawford and Niki Taylor for FutureClaw of the Day

I’ve never heard of this magazine FutureClaw, but have decided they are my new best friend, not because they wished me a happy birthday or invited me to their fashion parties, but because they recruited old retired model and got them posing like it was 1992, a year I was a much simpler person, less desensitized and able to get an erection in the stripclub…an era before the internet, throatfucking porn, 2 girls 1 cup and all the other celebrity sex tape bullshit I’ve been exposed to, and I guess Cindy Crawford reminds me of that simpler time…when jerking off to a pic of a girl in a bra was ok… I also saw her in person recently, and she’s fucking amazing…all tall and totally gave me sex eyes as her security pushed me out of the way so she could get in her hotel room. I figure having a best friend at a fashion magazine is one step closer to getting that private jet I’ve always wanted, but more importantly, maybe they’ll invite me on site when they get a little more fashion in their shoots by showing model tit… Either way, pantsless Cindy Crawford is a winner…Enjoy… Here’s Niki Taylor – A lot less sexy – But Still a Retired Model from the 90s making a comeback for old times…I figure I might as well give her some airtime so she doesn’t develop an eating disorder and try to kill herself at the Botox clinic…

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Cindy Crawford and Niki Taylor for FutureClaw of the Day

Chantal le Fevre is Hot in L’Officiel Singapore of the DAy

This bitch is my kind of model. She’s young, she’s tight bodied and she’s doing the Asian modeling scene hoping to get some traction to make it in the US market. She’s from Amsterdam and I’m a fucking fan. Seeing her in these pictures that look like those pedo Calvin Klein from the 90s ads, all black and white and in her underwear that hug her twat and shit….not literally and I’m spent. Seriously, this is what I look for in a bitch, all round awesome, and this is my way of helping her get where she’s gotta be, even though my site has little to no power and I don’t make stars, I just make the occassional lesbian cry. Keep your eyes out for Chantal Le Fevre cuz when you look like this, this is just the beginning…I have a sixth sense about this bullshit.

The rest is here:
Chantal le Fevre is Hot in L’Officiel Singapore of the DAy

Heidi Montag’s Tits at the Zoo of the Day

Heidi Montag is a waste of fucking space. I know the handful of people who can’t let go like to watch her bullshit purchased tits in various states of falling out of her bikini, but really we’d want to see any girl tit falling out of a bikini, hell, I’ve even been at the public pool staring at a 90 year old aquarobic class hoping one of their big vagina lips or big deflated tit would make it’s way out of the bathing suit, because that’s just what perverts do….but there’s just so much annoying about this bitch, that big bullshit purchased tits aren’t enough for me to ignore that I can’t stand her or anything she does because her bottom feeding isn’t crafty, interesting, fun or even clever, it’s obvious, mainstream and borderline retarded….and for some reason the people sitting at their offices surfing the net cuz they hate their lives love to eat it up…like they care if these idiots are married, divorced, pregnant, in a sex tape we haven’t seen clips of or not…it’s a real life Soap Opera only far less interesting….

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Heidi Montag’s Tits at the Zoo of the Day

Naomi Campbell’s Ironic T-Shirt of the Day

I don’t really know what the fuck I was thinking when I pulled these pictures. I don’t know if it was that I thought people like this ex-Supermodel from the 90s with the darkest skin who they’ve all probably seen naked, but are wondering what she was up to yesterday…..or if I thought her ironic t-shirt that has lingerie silk-screened on the shit…like a Venice Beach bikini body…was stupid enough for me to point out….or maybe I just felt like aging model legs was what we all needed this afternoon….I just know that I’m posting them and I sure as hell hope you’re not jerking off to them…cuz I have no idea what kind of fetish this would fall under…Is it lingerie printed on t-shirt fetish, an ex model fetish, an aging leg fetish…or not quite a fetish at all….wow…this post made me want to nap..

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Naomi Campbell’s Ironic T-Shirt of the Day