When fall rolls around, our boot choice is a no-brainer. Our tried and true Timberlands have stood the test of time (even ask Little Mix!), and it’s no wonder: they’re neutral, they’re rugged, and they’re always on trend. But if you’re tired of wearing the exact same thing year after year (but still need this… Read more »
90s R&B Stars Whose Careers Fell Off Didn’t we love the 90s? It was full of awesome clothes, dope TV shows and the best music. Unfortunately, our favorite music stars haven’t stood the test of time. It seems like all of the best R&B stars from the 90s should have just gone away and chilled right around the year 2000. Sadly, they’ve stuck around. And they’ve done nothing but embarrass themselves since. Sigh…how the mighty have fallen.
It’s on! Responding to yesterday’s unveiling of the inaugural Movieline Soily Awards, an eagle-eyed commenter pointed out this brief note posted to the Golden Raspberry Awards official message board — a reply apparently from “Head RAZZberry” John Wilson himself: “Many a RAZZIE® imitator has come and gone during the 32 years we’ve been doing our awards. And looking over their category names and choices, I’ve gotta say the so-called ‘Soilys,’ [sic] with their fixation on excremental terminology and their categories with names few American publications would even touch (let alone publish) look likelier to join the ‘gone’ list than make the brief roster of our ‘competitors’ who’ve stood the test of time…” Wait — so is he saying that we’re not going to get the Shit-the-Bed Award written up in USA Today ? Who knew? Anyway, Wilson or his representative or whoever brings up a crucial element of the awards that we did omit: SOILIES® looks so much more dignified, no? We also seem to have forgotten to charge folks to vote . Oops. Next year! Read more about the 2012 Soilies here , and drop back by tomorrow for our Reader’s Choice launch! Follow S.T. VanAirsdale on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .
We guess there is such a thing as happily ever after… Life is a scream come true for Courteney Cox and David Arquette . And Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell have been going strong since 1982. Click the photos below and check out other celebrity couples that have stood the test of time.