Tag Archives: from-the-movie

Luci Ford Is A 10 And Still The Hottest Thing You’ll See All Year

Since you guys seemed to dig my Instagram creeping of Luci Ford so much the other day, I figured I’d look around for more today. And no surprises here, but I managed to come across some even hotter pictures, if that’s even possible: Luci reenacting Bo Derek’s famous look from the movie 10 . Which makes a lot of sense, since she’s definitely a perfect 10 in my books. So enjoy, and don’t say I never do anything for myself while pretending to do it for you guys. You’re welcome. » view all 12 photos

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Luci Ford Is A 10 And Still The Hottest Thing You’ll See All Year

Bryan Singer: Michael Egan Accusations are Vicious and Completely False!

Bryan Singer, the acclaimed director who’s been accused of molestation by Michael Egan is today speaking out against the allegations made against him by the former child actor. Bryan Singer Accusations Singer issued a statement today saying, “The accusations against me are outrageous, vicious and completely false.” The director added that he will not be participating in promotions for his upcoming film X-Men: Days of Future Past , because he does not want his the charges against him to distract from the movie.  Curiously, Singer then briefly plugged the film, a move that many will likely consider to be in poor taste. “I do not want these fictitious claims to divert any attention from X-Men: Days of Future Past ,” said Singer. “This fantastic film is a labor of love and one of the greatest experiences of my career.” Singer was the first accused of belonging to what Egan describes as an “underground Hollywood sex ring” designed to prey on young boys.  Egan has filed three more sexual assault suits since accusing Singer. He now alleges that Hollywood producers Gary Goddard, Garth Ancier and David Neuman also victimized him when he was a teen. Details of this shocking case are still emerging and we’ll keep you updated as more information becomes available.

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Bryan Singer: Michael Egan Accusations are Vicious and Completely False!

Back to the Future Nike Power Laces: Actually Coming in 2015!!

Movie fans, prepare to geek out, because the Nikes worn by Michael J. Fox’s character Marty McFly in Back to the Future 2 are actually being made next year! The occasion? It will be 2015, when the futuristic film was set … ages ago. Some things from the movie version of 2015 envisioned by the iconic franchise in the late 1980s are not likely to be produced next year, such as hoverboards. Ditto accurate weather forecasts. Still working on that nowadays, right?! Oh well, you gotta take what you can get, and it looks like you’ll really be able to get Nikes with power laces like the ones McFly velcroed up in the “Future.” According to Movie Fanatic, Nike will produce these in a limited edition. Expect them to fetch huge sums in secondary online markets, as demand will no doubt be through the roof thanks to movie buffs, rappers, hoopsters alike! To relive the awesomeness of the original movie, watch Back to the Future online , and once we hear where these sneaks are available, we’ll let you know!

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Back to the Future Nike Power Laces: Actually Coming in 2015!!

Couple Sends Out Greatest Wedding RSVP of All-Time

You’ve already heard the greatest wedding toast of all-time. Now, we’re excited to present the greatest wedding invitation of all-time. The official RSVP from Katie Kerr and Chris Sabino of Illinois has been posted online and it asks guests to check off a lot more than their mere preferences for chicken or fish. Katie and Chris really want to know whether or not you’ll be attending and why. The couple will exchange vows on September 23 and we really hope to score an invite. Imagine how much fun the reception will be!

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Couple Sends Out Greatest Wedding RSVP of All-Time

National Tequila Day 2013: Drink Up and Celebrate!

Happy National Tequila Day from The Hollywood Gossip! In related news, tomorrow is National Call in Sick Day! Just kidding. That doesn’t exist. Not that anyone knew National Tequila Day existed before Facebook made fake holidays like this possible, but who cares! Now that you do know about it, you can jump in and celebrate with alcoholic ease. All you have to do to get in the spirit is drink, and that we support. Tequila is only made in Mexico, and must contain 51 percent blue agave in order to be real tequila. It’s not strictly for imbibing, either. Think about it … Ever try chipotle roasted salmon splashed with margarita marmalade ? Or grilled corn drenched in tequila-lime butter? Or perhaps tequila fettuccine? No? Okay, well, we digress. We know what you came for. Just try this mango margarita recipe and call it a day. Then share your favorite embarrassing tequila story with us in the comments!

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National Tequila Day 2013: Drink Up and Celebrate!

Star Wars Takes on Game of Thrones in Memes War: That’s Cute!

Star Wars has a lot in common with Game of Thrones . Both deal with betrayal… power… mean dictators… awkward sibling relationships. But some of the characters from the movie may scoff at some of the characters from the TV show and vice versa, as the aforementioned themes are dealt with through various degrees of bad ass-ery across the two stories. Courtesy of the Wars vs. Thrones subreddit , see what we mean in the following hilarious memes:

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Star Wars Takes on Game of Thrones in Memes War: That’s Cute!

Juno Temple and Tara Holt Have a Message for You of the Day

Here is a clip from a movie that is already out on DVD called Small Apartment, that I have never heard of, but that stars Juno Temple and Tara Holt. Based on this clip, they live together, have a peeper, and put on a show for him, letting them know they are onto him. As a peeper, I feel this is so unrealistic, because everytime I’ve been caught staring into apartments the girls go nuts and call the police, especially when I climb their fire-escape to do it. The idea of a girl getting off to being watched, is strictly for the porn movies and I guess mainstream movies, cuz girls say they like being watched, but they don’t actually mean it, cuz when it happens, all I hear is screams and panic. That said, I think we can all appreciate this clip from the movie.


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Juno Temple and Tara Holt Have a Message for You of the Day

Manuela Arcuri topless strip

Manuela Arcuri is easily one of the most beautiful Italian women we have ever seen in our opinion and here she is looking absolutely stunning as usual in this video clip from the movie The Witch Affair Continue reading

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Recap – Kenya’s Amusement Park

The Real Housewives of Atlanta had Kenya declaring that “He’s Stalking, I’m Walking.” We recap all of the weirdness in our THG +/- review. I don’t know if Walter was actually stalking but if I were her I’d be running in the opposite direction because after what we learned tonight, their relationship makes even less sense. So Kenya and Walter weren’t having sex?!? Really? Miss USA swears that after months of dating and even sharing a room on vacation she never witnessed him once, um…standing at attention.   Then why was she so gung ho to marry him? Did she think things were going to get better if she got a ring? Minus 20 . These two are even weirder than I originally thought. Walter’s explanation for the lack of sex makes me think even less of him.  He tells the boys that Kenya was too old for him. According to Walter, “I like my women like I like my rims. 22s, 24s, 26s.”  What a jackass. Minus 18. But Walter’s made friends with all of the boys. Or at least they invite him to all of their parties in the hopes of watching Kenya explode. Minus 11. I think the boys may enjoy the drama even more than the girls. Walter shows up at Kandi’s housewarming party with a much younger date on his arm.  Then he dumps her in a chair to go spend time with the boys. Did I mention I thought he was a jackass? And who invited Walter in the first place? Todd? Phaedra? Has anyone else noticed that Walter seems to want to spend more time with Kordell than with his supposed dates?  Just an observation. Speaking of Kordell, he didn’t seem over the moon when he thought that Porsha might be pregnant. And she was quickly brought to tears by his rant that she had to choose whether she wanted a career or a baby. Minus 10.   No nannies for Porsha. But as controlling as Kordell is, sometimes I wonder if Porsha needs that in her life.  Admittedly when she asked him, “So I need to pee for two whole minutes?” I laughed out loud. Plus 13. Comedy aside, should anyone that dumb be in charge of raising children? Getting back to Kenya for a minute, did you see Porsha’s face when Kenya told her she needed to dress as Halle Berry from the movie BAPS. Isn’t that the one where she wears that really tacky, vinyl orange cat suit. Plus 15 . That’s hysterical…and downright mean. It’s OK for Kenya to give her guests suggestions for her costume party but telling them what they must wear is kind of rude. Minus 10 . Of course the rest of her picks were pretty good. Cynthia will make a great Diana Ross. Phaedra and Eartha Kitt are the perfect match. But when she said she wanted Kandi to come as Tina Turner from the movie did she mean Angela Bassett playing Tina Turner? Once again, Nene Leakes looked like the sanest and most successful Housewife of the bunch. Who would have guessed that? Episode total = -41!            Season total = -348!

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The Real Housewives of Atlanta Recap – Kenya’s Amusement Park

Fran Drescher naked

Fran Drescher is a very pretty American actress and here she is completely nude sunbathing with her friends outside in this video clip from the movie The Hollywood Knights Continue reading