Move over, human Barbie . Take a seat, human Ken . It's time to meet human Superman. His name is Herbert Chavez, he grew up in poverty in the Philippines… and he has spent tons of money to look like the Man of Steel, having undergone 23 plastic surgeries with this goal in mind. It's a bird down below. It's a plane. In actuality, it's a guy who likely has a few mental issues unfortunately. 1. Back in the Day… Chavez’s 23 surgeries have spanned nearly 18 years. It’s a lifelong hobby. This photo was snapped back in 2013, prior to him truly taking a few final steps on his journey to Superman. 2. An Appearace on Botched Chavez sought the assistance of the doctors on Botched for his cause. They were only too happy to oblige, of course. 3. He’s Had His Skin Whitened Because every actor who has played Superman has been white. 4. He’s Had Multiple Nose Jobs You can see the changes, right? 5. He’s Had Liposuction The Man of Steel applies to the superhero’s strength… and abs, of course. 6. He’s Had Jaw Realignment We didn’t even know that was really a thing. View Slideshow
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This Guy Underwent 23 Surgeries to Look Like Superman