Tag Archives: game-companies

How "Green" Is Gaming?

April 22 is Earth Day, 24 hours devoted to considering the impact we have on the natural world and (hopefully) improving our relationship with the planet. It might seem like gaming is low-impact in terms of the environment — after all, you’re just sitting there staring at a screen as opposed to burning tires or releasing mercury into the water supply — but the video game industry does have an effect on the planet. Gamepro recently looked into it and compiled and interesting and/or enlightening article on the impact video games have on Nature. Among the big three consoles, Nintendo’s Wii uses the least power, but, overall, Nintendo has the lowest rating in eco-friendliness among game system manufacturers, according to a Greenpeace report published in January. This isn’t to say Microsoft and Sony are eco-warriors. In the list of consumer electronic manufacturers, Microsoft was second-to-worst and Sony was in the middle of the pack. While the video game industry