Tag Archives: gets-it-wrong

Big Brother Recap: Did Haleigh Manage to Save Bayleigh?

Another eviction rocked the house on Thursday, and for the first time in a good few years, all the drama came in the lead up to the eviction.  We picked up right after the veto meeting, and Bayleigh was furious that she had been wrongfully outed as the hacker.  She made her way into the bedroom to start packing her belongings, presumably because she knew there was a bigger plan in play, and that she was going to be taken out of the game.  After that, she confronted Tyler and said that she trusted him and now she’s on the block. Tyler wanted to steer clear of her, however.  Bayleigh was blindsided. She opened up about wanting to keep her power for another week out of respect for Angela. She liked her as a person but felt like she stuck the knife in at the first opportunity.  Haleigh then felt bad about being the hacker and opened up to Bayleigh about it. Bayleigh was mad, but she respected Haleigh for trying to make a move to take out a bigger target.  Meanwhile, Angela was in the diary room acting like she was the best at the game because she managed to get Bayleigh up on the block.  She even went as far as claiming that she would jump under a bus for Tyler. Yes, that’s how sad her game has become of late.  At the house meeting, Haleigh confirmed she was the person who hacked the game and opened up about Tyler meeting with Bayleigh about getting Angela put up as the replacement nominee.  Tyler denied it, but the argument went nuclear with Tyler and Bay getting into a heated exchange that found Bay leaving the room with a burst lip.  No, we’re not saying anybody lifted their hands. Bay was shouting so much that she burst her gum with her teeth.  At the eviction, the hacker took Tyler’s ability to vote away.  Kaycee votes to evict: Bayleigh  Brett votes to evict: Bayleigh  Faysal votes to evict: Bayleigh Scottie votes to evict: Bayleigh  Haleigh votes to evict: Bayleigh  Sam votes to evict: RS JC votes to evict: Bayleigh Bayleigh was evicted by a vote of 6-1! The HOH competition was a knock-out one that allowed the winner of each round to pick the next two competitors.  Round 1: Sam vs. JC – JC gets it right Round 2: Tyler vs. RS – Tyler gets it wrong  Round 3: Kaycee vs. Brett – Kaycee gets it wrong Round 4: Haleigh vs. Faysal – Faysal gets it wrong Round 5: Brett vs. Scottie – Brett got it right Round 6: Haleigh vs. RS – Haleigh gets it right  Round 7: Brett vs. JC – Brett gets it wrong  Round 8: Haleigh vs. JC – Haleigh gets it right! Haleigh wins Head of Household! Big Brother continues Sunday on CBS! View Slideshow: Big Brother: Meet the Most Controversial Houseguests

Big Brother Recap: Did Haleigh Manage to Save Bayleigh?

Bernie Madoff Wife, Son Open Up About Notorious Ponzi Schemer on 60 Minutes

In CBS’ much-anticipated interview about the crimes of Bernard Madoff and the family members he left behind, the son and the wife of infamous Ponzi schemer spoke out. Bernie scammed billions of dollars from countless investors and will be in jail until he breathes his last. But his wife and son are still carrying on, living with being Madoff. Ruth Madoff and her son Andrew told Morley Safer how Madoff confessed his crimes to them, their reaction and the subsequent family strife of the past three years. Follow the link for CBS’ full interview with the Madoffs, in which they discuss what their lives have become, how Bernie Madoff attempted suicide and more. Here’s an excerpt from their sit-down: The CBS Evening News Madoff Interview

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Bernie Madoff Wife, Son Open Up About Notorious Ponzi Schemer on 60 Minutes

Matt Barnes and Eva Longoria: New Couple Alert?

Eva Longoria and Matt Barnes? That’s the rumor of the day. Having divorced San Antonio Spurs star Tony Parker in 2010, Eva was rumored to be dating Matt after the New York Post reported a dalliance on Sunday. The Texas-born actress “may have her eye on a new baller,” they said, noting that the two were “very flirty” while dining with friends in NYC Thursday. “There was definitely a spark between Eva and Matt They weren’t seated next to each other, but you could tell there was something between them …” “There was a little hand-holding and a lot of eye contact.” Matt Barnes and Gloria Govan broke up last week, and the NBA is locked out, freeing him up to potentially court Longoria. But she says it’s not true. At all. The 36-year-old Desperate Housewives star slammed the story on her Who Say account, “First Jessica Simpson, now this. Once again, press gets it wrong.” “Let me be very clear, Matt Barnes and I are not dating!” Jessica Simpson is pregnant though. We got that right. “We are doing a charity event together for Padres and Athletes vs. Cancer,” Eva explained further. “Why is the truth never the headline? Why did I bother to comment when they put your statement at end of articles? #stillannoying.” The eternal question of the celebrity gossip age. [Photo: WENN.com]

Matt Barnes and Eva Longoria: New Couple Alert?