Tag Archives: getting-high

Miley Cyrus Lickin’ Mushrooms for Christmas of the Day

Miley Cyrus licking Mushrooms for Christmas…is probably a lot like Miley Cyrus licking Paris Hilton’s vagina at Art Basel, where she was apparently all over Miley in attempts to eat her soul and steal her youthful energy and relevance…or maybe this is just her being trippy and silly and pretending to be getting high…because she’s so crazy..especially for a Disney princess who was crafted in the Disney Labs, robbed of her childhood but paid for and set for life….and this is all part of her marketing campaign…. It’s not very Chrismas to me..but maybe that’s because I prefer when she’s showing her nipples..I’m crazy like that..

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Miley Cyrus Lickin’ Mushrooms for Christmas of the Day

Miley Cyrus Lickin’ Mushrooms for Christmas of the Day

Miley Cyrus licking Mushrooms for Christmas…is probably a lot like Miley Cyrus licking Paris Hilton’s vagina at Art Basel, where she was apparently all over Miley in attempts to eat her soul and steal her youthful energy and relevance…or maybe this is just her being trippy and silly and pretending to be getting high…because she’s so crazy..especially for a Disney princess who was crafted in the Disney Labs, robbed of her childhood but paid for and set for life….and this is all part of her marketing campaign…. It’s not very Chrismas to me..but maybe that’s because I prefer when she’s showing her nipples..I’m crazy like that..

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Miley Cyrus Lickin’ Mushrooms for Christmas of the Day

Quentin Tarantino Wants To Work With Johnny Depp If He Writes ‘Right Character’

Even as he anticipated the sunset of his filmmaking career recently, Quentin Tarantino is looking ahead to who he’d like to work with, and Johnny Depp tops the list. The Django Unchained director said he’d like Depp to star in a future pic, but will only cement plans once he’s written the perfect part for the Pirates of the Caribbean actor. [ Related: Quentin Tarantino Hints At Retirement And Getting High On ‘Django Unchained’ and Quentin Tarantino Wants You To Feel The Inhumanity Of Slavery In ‘Django Unchained’ ] Tarantino told talk show host Charlie Rose that it would be “magical” to work with the 49 year-old actor, adding: “We would love to work together. We’ve talked about it for years. Not that we get together and talk about it for years, but from time to time.” The two appear to have mutually high esteem for the other, according to Tarantino. But the key is finding the right moment. “We’re obviously fans of each other,” he said according to Contactmusic.com. “I just need to write the right character that I think Johnny would be the right guy to do it with. And if he agrees, then we’ll do it, and then it’ll be magical.” Continuing, Tarantino shared that he hasn’t as of yet, “written the perfect character for Johnny Depp as of yet. Maybe someday I will, maybe someday I won’t. We’ll see.” Tarantino also said he’d like to work with Meryl Streep and Michael Caine. The filmmaker recently unveiled plans for a new movie, tentatively titled Killer Crow , which would again center on people rising up against their overlords, forming a trilogy with the current Django Unchained and 2009’s Inglorious Basterds . [ Sources: Contactmusic.com , Mid-Day.com ]

Quentin Tarantino Wants To Work With Johnny Depp If He Writes ‘Right Character’

Rihanna Smoking a Blunt in Hawaii in Leggings of the Day

They are saying that these are pictures of Rihanna smoking a blunt, you know to influence all her 12 year old fans that along with loving the smell of sex and chains and whips excite her….she’s also into getting high…a substance proving by conservative christians in the 50s to make a motherfucker go crazy, murder, and lead into psychosis….a substance that has since been proven to not have any negative side effects…making these pics a no – big deal….not to mention Rhianna is black and from the islands…her NOT smoking a blunt would be far more shocking….and none of that matters, what matters is how lazy she is with her work out routine, get high, lay in sun in Hawaii, do obligues…fucking slacker…but at least she’s in leggings.

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Rihanna Smoking a Blunt in Hawaii in Leggings of the Day