Tag Archives: getting-noticed

Natalie Mejia Showin’ Tit of the Day

I had no idea who this bitch was, I just figured she was some trashy spic titties all over the place in a revealing dress like she was J.Lo in the the 90s, back when revealing dreses were considered insane, outrageous, slutty, daring, unchristian and everything else people went nuts about before the world turned into a gang of fucking slutty whores who plaster their vagina everywhere for people to see in exchange for getting noticed… It turns out she was in Girlicious….and that pretty much explains why I have no idea who she is….she’s just a good mix of trashy, tacky, stripper, and trailer park girl with a dream, probably willing to stick a lot in that pussy in exchange for the promise of fame Girlicious didn’t provide and that makes it all so amazing… Unfortunately, those pictures aren’t of that eagerness…

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Natalie Mejia Showin’ Tit of the Day

Ginger Spice Whores Out in a Bikini of the Day

Here are some pictures of a fiesty Ginger Spice who must feel the biological clock’s battery running out and is doing her best to use it before it dos….Everyone knows a bitch in animal print is a bitch in the mood to fuck, and a bitch in the mood to fuck is the kind of bitch who rubs up on her man half naked, and a bitch in fucking heat is usually a bitch with swollen tits, and when you put all that shit together, you get Ginger Spice and it is safe to say that after these pics were taken, she went upstairs to her room and let some loads get dropped inside her, fingers crossed for more breeding… So here is a glimpse into her July 4th weekend even though she’s british and doesn’t celebrate the shit…but does when it comes to getting noticed by the paprazzi which makes her feel more relevant… Pics via Bauer

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Ginger Spice Whores Out in a Bikini of the Day

Sophie Monk Showing Off Her Leg of the Day

Sophie Monk is a waste of fucking space. I don’t really know what she does or what she is trying to do but I do know that the only thing good about her is how eager the bitch is when it comes to getting noticed…unfortunately not eager enough to release flash her tits, or pussy or even send me exclusive panty shots or release a sex tape yet…something I thought she’d come up with as her big PR push back when Paris Hilton stole her boyfriend, and something I hope she gets into before she gets too old or fat, because seeing her fuck is better than actually fucking her, thanks to her Paris Hilton strain of designer, expensive herpes, unless you are like me and every other guy I know, who either already have herpes or don’t mind getting herpes for 4 minutes of pleasure…. Either way, nice legs… Pics via Fame

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Sophie Monk Showing Off Her Leg of the Day

Avril Lavigne is a Common Whore Making Out in Public of the Day

Like a common streetwhore, Avril Lavigne is taking her sexual business to the backseat of a fucking car. The only unfortunate thing was that these pictures weren’t of her choking on Brody Jenner dick cuz kissing is so fucking grade school….I get that Avril likes to dress like an 11 year old girl who hates her annoying brother, who just got her period, who is dying to get a lip ring and a tattoo but her lame mom won’t let her, but seriously, if you’re gonna stage a publicity stunt make-out session, you might as well make the shit worth laughing at, instead of this bullshit that I call bullshit…..cuz celebrities are hooked on getting noticed and if they really wanted to keep things private, they wouldn’t be doing this to being with….even I know to take my street hookers to the back alley at night where I can hid behind a dumpster so I don’t get busted…so this just proves the entertainment industry is all fucking lies….. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Avril Lavigne is a Common Whore Making Out in Public of the Day