Tag Archives: getting-titty

Addison Timlin Getting Titty Grab of the Day

Addison Timlin got cast to be the tits in Californication that I am sure I have posted in my Addison Timlin Archive that I wasn’t aware I had…because I thought I had never heard of…. She’s keeping up the classy titty work – by posting selfies of her and her boyfriend grabbing her tits – because I guess she’s got big tits…they are meant to be grabbed – and that aren’t meant to be shown onto the internet….to her fans…which is an amazing that she’s got an internet fan base…but these tits, all tits, always manage to find following… The post Addison Timlin Getting Titty Grab of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Addison Timlin Getting Titty Grab of the Day

Katy Perry Thick Uterus and Caked-On Face of the Day

Katy Perry is dressed like a trophy. A horrible, caked-on make-up to cover her acne scars trophy. With a sloppy looking body trophy no one wants. I don’t get how she is already muff-gunted even though she hasn’t even had kids in her fake publicity stunt marriage. I am totally uninterested in her. She’s a talentless hag and she’s fooled her way into celebrity by getting titty fucked and suckin’ dick, typical Christian girl behavior, but I find the whole thing fucking boring. I just wanted to put that out there.

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Katy Perry Thick Uterus and Caked-On Face of the Day

Possible Katy Perry Naked Pics of the Day

I don’t know if this is actually Katy Perry, but her fat hips make me think it is….and since my site is the unofficial Katy Perry fan site, I’m gonna post the shit…..cuz as the unofficial Katy Perry fan site, I know that there are pictures of Katy Perry circulating of her naked, getting titty fucked, getting fucked, etc. She was a bad girl rebelling from her Jesus loving family and that works for me…what doesn’t work for me is everything else about her, cuz she fucking sucks, except maybe her tits…cuz her tits are pretty alright….leaving me confused as hell… I do want to thank my girl Tassia on Twitter for sending this to me while I was out drinking and otherwise would have waited til tuesday to post the shit after the story was stale and expired….Cuddles… Happy 4th of July…

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Possible Katy Perry Naked Pics of the Day