Tag Archives: girls-involved

Hilary Duff’s Nipple is Pretty Major of the Day

I can’t even imagine how Hilary Duff’s fans are dealing with this….. This is a legitimate “Break the internet” situation….because she’s just one of those never showing her tits kind of overly famous tween stars – now a mom in her 30s…but still exciting to her fans because she’s from that era where people were less flimsy with their “following” of a woman…now that there are so many fame hungry people that are interchangeable for our attention…but back then people were actually far more fucking creepy…and here’s one of the iconic girls involved in that whole hype….and she got paid hefty for it…and is still getting paid…because her fans are still losing their shit over her, even if she’s a mom, and now they have more reason to…because of her tits. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Hilary Duff’s Nipple is Pretty Major of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hilary Duff’s Nipple is Pretty Major of the Day

Kate Sochka for #stepGIRLS by Chris Vongsawat of the Day

Ukrainian living in Montreal, which based on my extensive research of looking at these pics is code for HEAVEN, Kate Sochka …..got together with our friend Chris Vongaswat …. I don’t know if I am allowed to say that this is for or put together by step_GIRLS ……since people think we’re too amazing to associate with…even though we’re just trying to have a good time…and sometimes good times are too good to share…. But I will say that these are exclusives, and sometimes, amazing girls posing in bed looking amazing don’t bother…but usually only when I know the girls involved, because I make fun of all those other girls doing this kind of shoot for instagram that I call out on the regular… I guess I’m a hypocrite… The post Kate Sochka for #stepGIRLS by Chris Vongsawat of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate Sochka for #stepGIRLS by Chris Vongsawat of the Day

Emily Ratjkowski is Better Naked of the Day

This just in…Emily Ratjkowski is a better model when she’s naked… She didn’t get here wearing clothes, why the fuck did she start doing it now. This is the fucking worst…and makes no sense. What is she thinking.

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Emily Ratjkowski is Better Naked of the Day

Emily Ratjkowski is Better Naked of the Day

This just in…Emily Ratjkowski is a better model when she’s naked… She didn’t get here wearing clothes, why the fuck did she start doing it now. This is the fucking worst…and makes no sense. What is she thinking.

See the original post here:
Emily Ratjkowski is Better Naked of the Day

Alana Blanchard’s Bullshit Video To Promote Her Pretty Dope Ass of the Day

The nice thing about the pro surf industry is that the girls involved, even when they are average at best looking, are fit and have great asses…the other nice thing about the pro surf industry is that those fit girls with great asses are in their bikinis every fucking day with a valid excuse to be in their bikinis…so that they don’t look like daddy issue, attention seeking whores, which is a nice change of pace from every single girl I’ve ever slept with, or even met…even though I know that this bitch is an attention seeking daddy issue whore…and not just because I know her dad took these creepy pics of her…he’s her manager…but because she has a vagina and that’s all part of being a girl, like getting your period… Either way, here’s her ass.

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Alana Blanchard’s Bullshit Video To Promote Her Pretty Dope Ass of the Day

Alana Blanchard’s Bullshit Video To Promote Her Pretty Dope Ass of the Day

The nice thing about the pro surf industry is that the girls involved, even when they are average at best looking, are fit and have great asses…the other nice thing about the pro surf industry is that those fit girls with great asses are in their bikinis every fucking day with a valid excuse to be in their bikinis…so that they don’t look like daddy issue, attention seeking whores, which is a nice change of pace from every single girl I’ve ever slept with, or even met…even though I know that this bitch is an attention seeking daddy issue whore…and not just because I know her dad took these creepy pics of her…he’s her manager…but because she has a vagina and that’s all part of being a girl, like getting your period… Either way, here’s her ass.

See original here:
Alana Blanchard’s Bullshit Video To Promote Her Pretty Dope Ass of the Day

Charlie Sheen Sex Tape: With Hookers! In Actor’s Possession!

In truly shocking news for someone with his reputation, Charlie Sheen recently starred in a sex tape alongside a pair of prostitutes. The goal of the exercise, according to one of the call girls involved, was for the actor to anchor the “pilot” episode of what he hoped would become his very own adult film franchise, ideally titled “Charlie’s Devils.” “Charlie and I were having this great project and he was talking about performing in front of the camera,” a woman named Felony tells Radar Online in the video posted here, adding that Sheen wanted a videotape of himself trying out various positions. The actor’s favorite? All of them, Felony says. And where is the tape? “Charlie’s got it,” the promiscuous interview subject reveals. Charlie Sheen Sex Tape Chatter Come on, Charlie, you wonder why we care about your antics?!? You wanted to start his own porn franchise… named Charlie’s Devils ?!? We can do better than that, can’t we, THGers? Perhaps Chuck Me Sideways ? A Sex Ma-Sheen ? Charlie Sheen Productions Presents: A 72-Hour Coke-Binge and Porn Film ? Sound off now with your best ideas!

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Charlie Sheen Sex Tape: With Hookers! In Actor’s Possession!