Tag Archives: government-says

Elisabetta Canalis Unveils Naked PETA Ad in Italy

The residents of Italy were given a beautiful reason to be thankful this weekend: Elisabetta Canalis unveiled her nude PETA ad in Milano yesterday. George Clooney’s gorgeous ex, who didn’t make it very far on Dancing with the Stars this season, is urging fans not to buy even the tiniest amount of real fur. “You must remember that animals don’t have a voice,” she said earlier this fall. “You must be their voice. Never be afraid to speak up.” Or pose up in your birthday suit, as the case here may be. Speaking of which, feel free to hate on Mehcad Brooks, fellas. The Necessary Roughness star gets to wake up to alongside this body every morning. [Photo: Fame Pictures]

Elisabetta Canalis Unveils Naked PETA Ad in Italy

IRS Barks at Bow Wow to Cough Up $90K

Bow Wow may not be Lil Bow Wow anymore, but he’s in a Lil trouble with the federal government over some back taxes. Like more than 90 grand worth. A tax lien filed in Florida by the U.S. government says the rapper owes Uncle Sam $91,105.61 to be exact for unpaid taxes dating back to the year 2006. Bow Wow took to his blog to dispute the report of his financial troubles, calling it “not true,” and advising his fans not to believe celebrity gossip outlets. “We all know not to believe anything that the media writes or blogs,” Bow Wow wrote . “It’s their job to entertain the minds of the simple minded.” Deep . He urged fans to ignore the report and turn their attention to the release of his now delayed album Underrated . Gotta pay down those debts somehow! “Stay away from them damn blogs its bad for your health,” he then wrote. “Remember Ima always keep it 100 with yall and let yall know the real on anything I got going on even if its bad if it’s the truth I’ll own up to it.” It’s true. He proved it when he admitted fatherhood and suicidal thoughts . [Photo: WENN.com]

See the article here:
IRS Barks at Bow Wow to Cough Up $90K

Malaysian police clash with protesters over water privitization

Thousands of protesters clashed with Malaysian police to call for an end to privatization of water utilities in the country. And close to 60 people were arrested for defying a police ban and attempting to march on the streets. Earlier, opposition legislators gathered near the National Mosque to address the crowd about issues concerning privatization in Selangor, a state which surrounds the capital Kuala Lumpur. The Malaysian government has embarked on progressive privatization of water following concerns of water scarcity in the country. Currently urban Malaysians use 500 liters of water per day. The government says this could increase to 700 liters per day due to rapid urbanization in the country. Selangor is the richest state in the country and ruled by the opposition alliance led by opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. In 2005, the federal government privatized water management in Selangor to Syabas but the opposition said it has only incurred losses and may need to be bailed out. Selangor wants to take back water management but this effort is being blocked by the government and Syabas. Research done has projected that by 2050, 65 countries would be hit by water supply problems with a total of seven billion people affected. The debate about water privatization has been intensifying in Malaysia. However human rights workers say that there are many other avenues of ensuring adequate water supply in the country without burdening the poor as privatization would lead to a hike in tariffs. But they also say that this needs policy changes from the government. Video at the link. added by: JanforGore

MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer Pleads for Government to Force Environmentalism

During Monday's12PM ET hour on MSNBC, anchor Contessa Brewer helped promote the network's “Green is Progress” week by demanding greater government intervention to force people to follow an environmentalist agenda: “Until government says these are the standards that everyone has to aspire to, we're not really making progress.” Brewer made the comments while interviewing Practically Green CEO Susan Hunt Stevens and introduced the segment by touting the latest poll numbers on environmental awareness: “87% of Americans say they personally care about protecting the environment. 75% of Americans believe projects that protect the environment could also give us an economic boost….38% say the government should be most responsible for protecting the environment.” However, she fretted people weren't making enough sacrifices: “…everybody says in a survey, 'oh, do you want to live greener? Do you personally care about the environment?' Yes. 'Are you willing to spend 25 cents extra in a federal gas tax that would definitely help improve the use of fuel?' Not so much.” View video below read more

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MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer Pleads for Government to Force Environmentalism