Tag Archives: guess-getting

Lily Rose Depp Hard Nipples and Fat Ass of the Day

Some tits, despite feminists and their agenda, are better off in bras. I have seen some sloppy Fucking tits bouncing around today and I think I prefer the illusion brought on By support and padding… Lily Rose Depp, my favorite rich kid’s tits are perfect without that constraints and limitations of a bra…I like those French from France tits out in public like they are supposed to be…whilst wearing a shirt so that it’s not slutty and leaves a little, very little mystery. The world..is one big titty flash…and we live it… Here she is in some creepy erotic photoshoot JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Lily Rose Depp Hard Nipples and Fat Ass of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Lily Rose Depp Hard Nipples and Fat Ass of the Day

Lily Allen Tit of the Day

Lily Allen who you may remember for having a miscarriage / abortion back when she was a spoiled rich kid who scammed a music career, like all the people getting famous back then, and I guess getting famous now, people are stoked on the rich kids and like buying into their bullshit – whether it is song, or dance, or modeling, or acting…it’s pretty obnoxious.. Well, she has gone on to have babies, and to beat her drug addiction I guess, and she’s at an event being honored, as rich people are honored for their hard work doing whatever it is they do, and she’s wearing a sheer top which could be exciting to you…but not to me since I remember seeing a younger Lily Allen Topless and her tits are pure shit….and that’s coming from a place that loves all tits equally because they are tits and I’m a fan of them….but her tits…they were bad… I don’t know if you can see nipple, but I believe in you and your abilities, you’re better than you think you are…so look, try, take it all in… TO SEE the REST OF The PICS CLICK HERE The post Lily Allen Tit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Lily Allen Tit of the Day

Alyssa Milano Erotica of the Day

Alyssa Milano has told me off on social media at least once before blocking me. I like to think it’s because I am a cyber bully, or a troll, who make fun of these overrated people with egos, who feel that people care about what they have to say, so they get all political and annoying and opiniated, when it’s like “bitch, you were just the hot daughter on Who’s the Boss, get a fucking perspective”….. She grew into a hairy mom with a mom body, but her fans still jerekd off to her like she was the teen girl she was when she was hot… She ended up waxing her ams and I guess getting confident in her mom body now that the world is about inclusivity and body positivity…so here she is bringing it in a one piece…thank god it’s a one piece. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Alyssa Milano Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Alyssa Milano Erotica of the Day

Kendall Jenner and Cara Delevingne’s Love Cover of the Day

Well…it is fashion not porn…even thought it is a pretty grey area..because fashion is porn to me…but I guess getting a little Kendall Jenner mounting bi-sexual Cara Delevingne “it” girl…is a perfectly appropriate cry for attention from both parties who fucking love attention…which is pretty good on Kendall’s part, considering she comes from a porn family…and this should be her getting fisted…based on the morals and values in the family…even though really, based on their money, should be her living off her allowance and not bothering with any of this shit, but her money hungry horrible devil mom would have none of that.

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Kendall Jenner and Cara Delevingne’s Love Cover of the Day