Jeremy Renner is the latest true star to go off on Kim Kardashian and her family. First, Daniel Craig referred to the Kardashians as ” f-cking idiots .” Then, of course, it was Jon Hamm’s turn to slam Kim in particular . More recently, – in a wide-ranging interview with The Guardian that delves into the impressive path this Oscar nominee has traveled – Renner was asked about The First Family of Reality Television and held nothing back in his response: He referred to Kim, Khloe and company as “those ridiculous people with zero talent who spend their lives making sure everyone knows their name. Those stupid, stupid people.” Renner is enjoying a tremendous 2012, having starred in mega hits such as The Avengers and The Bourne Legacy . But we think this is his best move yet.
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Jeremy Renner Refers to Kardashians as "Ridiculous, Stupid People"