Tag Archives: highly-detailed

Nick Gordon Injected Bobbi Kristina Brown With POISON, Family Claims

Earlier this week, we reported that Nick Gordon may soon be arrested for the murder of Bobbi Kristina Brown. While that hasn’t happened yet, the fact that investigating officers recently passed his case along to the DA means it’s still very likely that Gordon will face criminal charges for his role in his 22-year-old girlfriend’s overdose and drowning. In the meantime, lawyers for the Brown and Houston families are throwing everything they have at Gordon in a $10 million wrongful death lawsuit. The families’ legal team has already alleged that Gordon left Bobbi Kristina to drown in a tub of cold water, now they’re alleging that he injected her with a toxic substance on the night of her death. “Exclusive new details in civil suit against Nick Gordon claim he INJECTED Bobbi Kristina Brown with toxic mixture, killing her,” tweeted an Atlanta reporter who’s covering the proceedings . Brown family lawyers also went into greater detail about the alleged “altercation” that took place between Nick and Bobbi Kristina in the moments before her death. Documents filed by the attorneys claim that Bobbi Kristina “died following a particularly violent altercation with [Gordon] that left her battered and bruised, with a tooth knocked out.” The results of Bobbi Kristina’s autopsy have been sealed pending further investigation, so it is not known if her body showed signs of a struggle. If her injuries were as varied and extensive as the Browns and Houstons claim, it seems unlikely that Nick Gordon will remain a free man for much longer. View Slideshow: Bobbi Kristina Brown: Through Good Times and Bad

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Nick Gordon Injected Bobbi Kristina Brown With POISON, Family Claims

Lindsay Lohan Gives Shoutout to Cocaine Kingpin Pablo Escobar, Begs For Roles on Instagram

It’s no secret that Lindsay Lohan loves cocaine . The girl loves her booger sugar so much she’s endorsed Brazilian political candidates on the basis of their lax stances on transporting blow into the US. If drugs weren’t involved, getting Lindsay Lohan to give a sh-t about politics would be like training your cat to fetch the paper and then read it to you. Anyway, Linds once again expressed her fondness for yayo and the kingpins who sling it in a bizarre Instagram post paying tribute to notorious Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar: Lindsay posted a screen shot reading, “Magical realism is defined as what happens when a highly detailed, realistic setting is invaded by something too strange to believe.” Fans of the Netflix series Narcos – which centers around the incredibly violent and lucrative exploits of Escobar and his Medellin Cartel –  will recognize it as the show’s epigram.  In case her point was too subtle for you, Lindsay hashtagged the pic, “#SugarMan.” It may seem strange for an actress with a well-documented cocaine problem to give a shout-out to the man who made his billions smuggling literal tons of the stuff into the US (taking just a few hundred lives in the process) but that’s Lindsay for ya. The timing is more than a bit odd, as Lindsay is attempting to jumpstart her career at the moment, and reminding potential employers of her long criminal history is probably not the best method of weaseling her way back into their good graces. Of course, it probably doesn’t matter, as her comeback seemed pretty lame and half-assed from the start, anyway. In addition to her continued efforts to  make a Mean Girls sequel happen , Lindsay has been jawing on social media about how totes awesome a Carmen San Diego movie would be. Now, if only producers knew where to find a redheaded actress who could really inhabit the role of a sketchy criminal who travels to foreign lands to avoid prosecution. Wait a minute…we’ve got it! Someone get Rachel McAdams on the phone!

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Lindsay Lohan Gives Shoutout to Cocaine Kingpin Pablo Escobar, Begs For Roles on Instagram

Nudecomer Emilia Clarke is a Fantasy Made Flesh in Game of Thrones

You might not know beautiful Brit Emilia Clarke yet- she has appeared on the boob tube only a handful of times, in the Scyfy original movie Triassic Attack (2010 ) and on the BBC drama Doctors (2009) . But all that is about to change- you’ll soon be introducing your handful to Emilia when she stars in in HBO’s Game of Thrones . The big budget show adapts the fantasy novel series “A Song of Fire and Ice,” which has a large and obsessive following. Emilia has been cast as warrior princess Daenerys Targaryen , the last of a crumbling royal dynasty. For the highly detailed and faithful adaptation, Emilia had to learn the language of her characters’ people, Dothraki, with linguists standing by to correct her if she mangled the made-up dialect. But that wasn’t all Emilia had to learn for the show- she was also schooled in the ways of (onscreen) love in a series of sex scenes the producers tout as “graphic”. As executive producer David Benioff told EW : “We loved lord of the Rings, but you don’t really get the sense that any of those characters get horny ever.” In the first episode of Game of Thrones , Daenerys gets married and loses her virginity outdoors on a rock by the Irish Sea. Emilia has said that while at first she was insecure about being nude on camera, she quickly overcame it because the sex scenes are an important part of her character: “Her journey is the growth of a woman, and it’s a sexual awakening as well. We just had a laugh while filming [the explicit sex scenes], though. It was all giggles all the time for us, trying to keep a straight face.” Giggles or no, Emilia has yet to share a laugh with her dad and brother about her onscreen nudity- as she told MTV: “As soon as I’m in the character that’s it: You’re her, you’re not yourself. And they did it beautifully, they did it tastefully. [But] I’ll watch it first before my dad watches it…and my brother doesn’t know at all!” See all the breast nudity from the upcoming HBO series Game of Thrones – before Emilia Clarke ‘s family- right here on MrSkin.com!

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Nudecomer Emilia Clarke is a Fantasy Made Flesh in Game of Thrones