Tag Archives: hit-hoofing

So You Think You Can Judge, Adam Shankman?

American Idol’s not the only reality show shaking up its judging ranks.

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So You Think You Can Judge, Adam Shankman?

Vanessa Hudgens Really Wants to Grow Up and Forget Naked Pictures

It’s hard out there for a High School Musical alum. Just ask Vanessa Hudgens, who spends the majority of her October Allure cover story begging everyone..

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Vanessa Hudgens Really Wants to Grow Up and Forget Naked Pictures

Jon & Hailey Blast "Katezilla," Insist Hailey’s Never Met the 8

If we could only get a steel cage and settle this once and for all… But for now we’ll just have to settle for Jon and Kate Gosselin launching their personal attacks in the…

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Jon & Hailey Blast "Katezilla," Insist Hailey’s Never Met the 8

Dancing With the Stars Plans Swayze Tribute

Get ready for some dirty dancing with the stars. ABC’s hit hoofing contest will pay tribute to Patrick Swayze by busting out a Sept

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Dancing With the Stars Plans Swayze Tribute