Tag Archives: hits-newsstands

Taylor Swift Covers Rolling Stone, Denies Kidnapping of Conor Kennedy

Taylor Swift covers the latest issue of Rolling Stone and makes something very clear in her feature: She never kidnapped boyfriend Connor Kennedy ! Responding to an odd story that alleged Swift missed her man so much that she flew him out of Nashville unannounced, Taylor tells the magazine: “You can’t kidnap a grown man! These are serious accusations, now! It’s an interesting way to spin something into a story. See, this is why I don’t read stuff.” This stuff also includes charges that Swift falls in love way too quickly and easily, to which she replies: The way I look at love is you have to follow it, and fall hard, if you fall hard. You have to forget about what everyone else thinks. It has to be an us-against-the-world mentality. You have to make it work by prioritizing it, and by falling in love really fast, without thinking too hard. If I think too hard about a relationship I’ll talk myself out of it.” This issue of Rolling Stone hits newsstands on Friday. In the meantime, take a listen to Swift’s new single, ” I Knew You Were Trouble .”

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Taylor Swift Covers Rolling Stone, Denies Kidnapping of Conor Kennedy

Fox News Apologizes For Airing Live Suicide

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith apologized Friday after a car chase airing on the network ending with the suspect shooting himself to death. Live. Shepard Smith Apology; Suicide Airs Live on Fox News The suspect had fled police at nearly 100 m.p.h. before pulling off the road, getting out of the vehicle, running down a dirt path, and shooting himself in the head. “Get off it. Get off it. Get off it!” Smith exclaimed before Fox cut to a commercial. When he came back on, Smith issued a personal apology for what happened. “While we were taking that car chase and showing it to you live, when the guy pulled over and got out, we went on delay. That’s why I didn’t talk for about 10 seconds,” he said. “We created a five-second delay as if you were to bleep back your DVR five seconds, that was what we did with the picture we were showing you so that we could see in the studio what was happening five seconds before you did, so that if anything went horribly wrong, we’d be able to cut away from it without subjecting you to it and we really messed up. And we’re all very sorry.” “That didn’t belong on TV. We took every precaution we knew how to take to keep that from being on TV and I personally apologize to you that that happened.” “Sometimes we see a lot of things that we don’t let get to you because it’s not time-appropriate. It’s insensitive. It’s just wrong. And that was wrong.” “And that won’t happen again on my watch. And I’m sorry.” In addition to Smith’s apology, Fox News executive VP Michael Clemente issued his own statement: “We took every precaution to avoid any such incident by putting the helicopter pictures on a five second delay. Unfortunately, this mistake was the result of a severe human error and we apologize for what the viewers ultimately saw on the screen.”

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Fox News Apologizes For Airing Live Suicide

Amber Rose Shows Off Baby Bump, Readies for All-Natural Birth

Amber Rose, her baby bump and her fiance are all featured in the latest issue of XXL . The model and Wiz Khalifa are expecting their first child some time before the end of the year, and the ex-girlfriend of Kanye West says she’s very ready to be a mother. “I’m going all-natural,” Rose tells the magazine. “I’ve decided that I’m going to have an all-natural water birth. No medicine. I want those bragging rights! The next time Wiz has a stomachache or anything, I’ll say, ‘I popped out a baby all-natural.’” What attracted Amber to her man? “[H]e’s just a genuine sweet guy,” she says. “And I just said, “You know what, I don’t care if he’s a rapper.” I don’t care if people say, “Oh, you’re a gold-digger.” I don’t care if people say, “Oh, you went from one rapper to another,” or whatever. “I love him. I don’t look at him as a rapper. I look at him as Cameron Thomaz, not even Wiz Khalifa. I just fell so deeply in love with him, I didn’t care what anyone says.” That’s actually very sweet. We say: Good luck you two! The October/November issue of XXL hits newsstands on October 9.

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Amber Rose Shows Off Baby Bump, Readies for All-Natural Birth

Kate Upton’s Boobage Gets Her Booted from the Santa Monica Pier

Usually we have no regrets about spending our lives doing things besides hang out on the Santa Monica pier. Sure, the weather’s always nice there, but we think it’s nicer having all the things like showers and wi-fi and air conditioning that come with living indoors. Until now. Apparently Kate Upton was recently booted from the popular SoCal beach bum hangout after a wardrobe malfunction left her breasts exposed to the crowd that had gathered to watch her GQ photo shoot. As Kate tells the San Francisco Chronicle : “We were on that ride where the seat spins while the actual ride is spinning, and I’m wearing a one-piece. And all of a sudden the whole entire top falls off!” Kate said. ” I’m holding myself, laughing, turning bright red, but a lot of people are watching, so they kicked us out of the Santa Monica pier – it was so embarrassing. You wouldn’t think that would happen with a one-piece! ” And you’re telling us that NOT ONE of those street performers and hackey sack players and bodybuilders and guys who will write your name on a grain of rice took pictures? Tragic. You haven’t seen Kate Upton ’til you’ve seen those famous funbags SKIN motion, so check out her Beach Bunny Catwalk Video right here at MrSkin.com!

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Kate Upton’s Boobage Gets Her Booted from the Santa Monica Pier

Get a Sneak Peek at Jenny McCarthy’s Nude Playboy Cover [PIC]

Playboy has released the cover for Jenny McCarthy’ s new pictorial, and while (perhaps obviously) we don’t see any of the full furburger she says she grew for the occasion , we think she’s looking pretty good. Especially considering that, at age 39, this is her sixth time on the cover of the men’s mag. Jenny tells People that she’s very happy with the results, saying that ” The pictures are really gorgeous and classy…It’s probably a lot more sophisticated than a lot of the stuff you’d see of people with their clothes on. ” We’ll be the judge of that! So what do you think, Skin fans? Jenny McCarthy’ s new Playboy cover: Photoshop disaster or return to nude form? Will you be picking up the issue when it hits newsstands Friday? Let us know in the comments!

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Get a Sneak Peek at Jenny McCarthy’s Nude Playboy Cover [PIC]

Natasha Alam: Nude in Playboy, On True Blood

To some women, posing nude for Playboy is a despicable act. These females may look down on actress Natasha Alam, but they should consider the following before they give thanks for not being her: Alam gets to simulate sex with Alexander Skarsgard on season three of True Blood – and that’s not all! Describing her first experience with on-screen nudity, the July cover girl says: “Here comes Alexander Skarsgard .

Ashley Dupre Nude in Playboy: Coming in May!

Former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer saw Ashley Dupre naked for thousands of dollars an hour. This May, you can pick up Playboy for $4.99 and do the same! Or better yet, the Ashley Dupre pictures from the mag will probably leak online for free! Everyone wins! Well, except Spitzer. Dude lost his job for banging a hooker. In any case, word has it the photo shoot is literally smokin’ hot. We actually used literally properly there, too. Girl was on fire! Photographer Stephen Wayda had Ashley lay down surrounded by candles when disaster nearly struck. Vintage Ashley Dupre. Get ready to see even more of her! “A few strands of her hair caught on fire because of all the hairspray,” says a source . “The hairstylist, Jorge Serrano, was the first one to notice and rushed over,” according to the venerable New York Post, which not surprisingly is all over this story. The former call girl Kristen and current “aspiring singer” was able to finish the shoot, and was uninjured, fortunately. Her eight-page spread hits newsstands April 16. Nice to see Ashley back in the news. It’d been too long since our favorite hoe surfaced. She was the world’s most famous political side tail until Rielle Hunter came along. At least Ms. Dupre is kind of attractive, too. Sorry Rielle.

See the article here:
Ashley Dupre Nude in Playboy: Coming in May!

Lady Gaga Says Her Ex-Boyfriend ‘Hoped I’d Fail’

‘I had a boyfriend who told me I’d never succeed,’ she says in the April issue of Cosmopolitan. By Jocelyn Vena Lady Gaga in the April issue of Cosmopolitan Photo: Kenneth Willardt While Lady Gaga might seem like an overnight success, she’s faced roadblocks along the way. The pop star has had quite a few people, including an ex-boyfriend who probably regrets letting her go, tell her that she couldn’t make it. In the April issue of Cosmopolitan, Gaga talks about beating the odds. “I had a boyfriend who told me I’d never succeed, never be nominated for a Grammy, never have a hit song and that he hoped I’d fail,” said Gaga, whose issue hits newsstands March 9. “I said to him, ‘Someday, when we’re not together, you won’t be able to order a cup of coffee at the f—ing deli without hearing or seeing me.” It wasn’t just ex-lovers who didn’t think that Gaga could go all the way, but Gaga didn’t let the criticism get to her. “I ate sh– for so long,” she explained. “Being told I didn’t fit the mold and that I was ‘too pop’ or ‘too theater’ … I’ve always been delusionally ambitious to the point where people don’t understand me.” While she has faced detractors, her friends are supporting her all the way now — and they have a very interesting theory about the pop star. “My friends joke that I’m dead until I get onstage,” she said. “I’m dead right now as you’re speaking to me.” In photos for the magazine, Gaga is seen in lots of sexy lingerie. The looks are decidedly more conventional than Gaga’s typical out-there style. On the cover, she wears a nude bra and underwear, while in another shot, she’s seen in a black satin and mesh bustier with black-leopard hot pants. An additional shot of the star shows her in a low-cut black dress. Related Photos Lady Gaga Stuns At U.K. Tour Kickoff MTV News’ 2009 Women Of The Year: #1 Lady Gaga

Original post:
Lady Gaga Says Her Ex-Boyfriend ‘Hoped I’d Fail’