Sex on the Rock Mother of the Day – Dropping her New Born Baby into the Trash… Crack Whore and her Mouth Skills Terrifying Sky Dive Video… Dude Drinks Poison and Lights Himself on Fire Bus Driver VS Passenger… This is the Worst Thing You’ll Ever See…Naked Woman Stoned To Death and Caught on Fire in Africa…What the Fuck Suicide Squirrel The post McDonald’s Drive Thru Fight and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 17 continued to tease the ongoing mystery of the past few weeks: What do the Travelers want? This villainous group has somehow imposed its will on our favorite Mystic Falls residents – taking Stefan hostage, forcing Caroline to maybe kill an innocent man in Atlanta – without anyone actually knowing their agenda. Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 17 Online The latest installment of the floundering CW drama concluded with a creepily awesome scene, as numerous Travelers caught on fire… crossed over to The Other Side… and then Markos emerged out of Bonnie’s fallen body. It was very cool. But it didn’t make up for the frustration of the previous 59 minutes. Seriously… Liv rambled on to Jeremy about how the witches are trying to protect Elena and the Travelers want her for some reason. But he never asked the reason? He just agreed to help them protect his sister and the town, yet didn’t bother finding out why? It’s difficult to be invested in a storyline when YOU DON’T KNOW THE STORYLINE. Literally, all we know about the Travelers is they’re evil – and that’s only because the show has told us they’re evil. Pretty shoddy writing. So now Markos is here and Elena appears to once again be in danger. And fans need to wait until April 17 for The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 18 to maybe, at long last, find out why. Elsewhere: Elena ended things with Damon for good and headed back to college. Enzo killed Stefan’s nice Doppleganger, Tom, because sweet Caroline could not do so. But she could bond even more with Steven, even falling asleep beside him until the pair was awoken by the Markos-based ceremony. And… that’s about it. Not much happens on this show anymore, and what does happen isn’t explained very clearly. Will you even make it to the end? Watch The Vampire Diaries online via TV Fanatic and sound off: Can you believe how far this series has fallen?!?
Hollie Cakes lets us watch her shower…and I love watching girls shower…in both sexual and non sexual ways…whether they are just washing themselves down…or really washing themselves down with the hand held shower head…like she was a teen girl discovering herself…in fact watching girls shower is one of the reasons I get caught on fire escapes 90 percent of the time, I just can’t really contain myself…maybe it’s cuz it is something they normally do in private…maybe it’s cuz I don’t like stinky ass or pussy…or maybe, just maybe…it’s cuz they are naked… Hollie Cakes…is a winner to me..I’d watch her shower anyway…and you can too if you CLICK HERE …. I want to eat these HollieCakes…. TO VISIT HER PAGE AND WAIT FOR HER CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE BEST WEBCAM SITE IN THE HISTORY OF WEBCAM SITES VISIT DSFCAMS
I love this Amanda Bynes shit. So this is some secuirty video that was sold to TMZ that features a wig wearing Bynes scrambling around a liquor store to try to save her dogs that she accidentally caught on fire when she built a fire using gas in some parking lot, before being sent to hospital for being certifiable. I still think it’s an act, and act I would love to have sex with, because she is both fun and hot and would seem to keep things exciting, despite being a dog killer….or negligent dog owner…. I am a fan and believe that her and Lohan will both win Oscars. I just wish I could find a way to date her.
Poor Big Tex. The affable, famous 52-foot State Fair of Texas mascot caught on fire at Fair Park in Dallas this morning. Take a look at the big fella before and after … Wearing size 70 boots and a 75-gallon hat, Big Tex had been an institution since 1952. Alas, he will not make it to see 61. But Tex will rise again! The Mayor of Dallas has apparently promised to resurrect the mascot for 2013: “We’ll rebuild him and make him better than ever for the 21st Century.”
Whoops! So much for trying to make a special big deal out of Mom’s birthday! Justin Bieber called his mom up on stage for her birthday this weekend and presented her with a huge cake live in front of his screaming aundience. Poor Pattie, when she leaned down to blow out her candles, her hair caught on fire and poor Justin has to save her instead of sing happy birthday as planned! She was rushed off stage looking really red! Happy Birthday Studio Mom! Related articles Justin Bieber – The Next King of Pop?! Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez Married in Vegas! Willow Smith Has Her Fans Going Crazy! Quiz – What do you know about Justin Bieber? Continued here: Justin Bieber Saved Mom’s Life!