Tag Archives: hits-the-road

Game of Thrones: Season 5 Episode 5 Photos: Please Ramsay, Don’t Hurt Her!

Well, we've made it. We're at the midway point for Game of Thrones fifth season, and so far, we're not too terribly traumatized. Sure the loss of [SPOILER ALERT] Barristan Selmy was tough to take, but at least we haven't had to watch too much horrific torture.  Sadly, we get the feeling that might change this week, thanks to the unholy union between Ramsay Bolton and Sansa Stark . 1. Tyrion is Terrified Tyrion looks scared. We guess that boat trip with Jorah Mormont isn’t going as smoothly as he had hoped. 2. Ramsay Bolton and Sansa Stark “So how’s your meal? By the way, is that severed boar’s head making anyone else feel torture-y?” Ugh. This isn’t gonna end well. 3. Shireen Baratheon Hits the Road Yes, the grey scale is unfortunate. But as one of the few GoT characters to ever demonstrate genuine warmth and compassion, she might be more beautiful than anyone else on the show. 4. Jon Snow Glares “You know nothing, Jon Snow.” “Yes, I do. I know how to rock all black like nobody’s business!” 5. Ramsay and Roose Bolton What a nice bonding moment. Unlike most fathers and sons, however, these two are probably discussing the best methods for skinning a man alive. 6. Brienne is Pissed Brienne never really looks happy, but here she seems downright pissed. Someone is about to get cut in half. View Slideshow

Game of Thrones: Season 5 Episode 5 Photos: Please Ramsay, Don’t Hurt Her!

Game of Thrones: Season 5 Episode 5 Photos: Please Ramsay, Don’t Hurt Her!

Well, we've made it. We're at the midway point for Game of Thrones fifth season, and so far, we're not too terribly traumatized. Sure the loss of [SPOILER ALERT] Barristan Selmy was tough to take, but at least we haven't had to watch too much horrific torture.  Sadly, we get the feeling that might change this week, thanks to the unholy union between Ramsay Bolton and Sansa Stark . 1. Tyrion is Terrified Tyrion looks scared. We guess that boat trip with Jorah Mormont isn’t going as smoothly as he had hoped. 2. Ramsay Bolton and Sansa Stark “So how’s your meal? By the way, is that severed boar’s head making anyone else feel torture-y?” Ugh. This isn’t gonna end well. 3. Shireen Baratheon Hits the Road Yes, the grey scale is unfortunate. But as one of the few GoT characters to ever demonstrate genuine warmth and compassion, she might be more beautiful than anyone else on the show. 4. Jon Snow Glares “You know nothing, Jon Snow.” “Yes, I do. I know how to rock all black like nobody’s business!” 5. Ramsay and Roose Bolton What a nice bonding moment. Unlike most fathers and sons, however, these two are probably discussing the best methods for skinning a man alive. 6. Brienne is Pissed Brienne never really looks happy, but here she seems downright pissed. Someone is about to get cut in half. View Slideshow

Game of Thrones: Season 5 Episode 5 Photos: Please Ramsay, Don’t Hurt Her!

Game of Thrones: Season 5 Episode 5 Photos: Please Ramsay, Don’t Hurt Her!

Well, we've made it. We're at the midway point for Game of Thrones fifth season, and so far, we're not too terribly traumatized. Sure the loss of [SPOILER ALERT] Barristan Selmy was tough to take, but at least we haven't had to watch too much horrific torture.  Sadly, we get the feeling that might change this week, thanks to the unholy union between Ramsay Bolton and Sansa Stark . 1. Tyrion is Terrified Tyrion looks scared. We guess that boat trip with Jorah Mormont isn’t going as smoothly as he had hoped. 2. Ramsay Bolton and Sansa Stark “So how’s your meal? By the way, is that severed boar’s head making anyone else feel torture-y?” Ugh. This isn’t gonna end well. 3. Shireen Baratheon Hits the Road Yes, the grey scale is unfortunate. But as one of the few GoT characters to ever demonstrate genuine warmth and compassion, she might be more beautiful than anyone else on the show. 4. Jon Snow Glares “You know nothing, Jon Snow.” “Yes, I do. I know how to rock all black like nobody’s business!” 5. Ramsay and Roose Bolton What a nice bonding moment. Unlike most fathers and sons, however, these two are probably discussing the best methods for skinning a man alive. 6. Brienne is Pissed Brienne never really looks happy, but here she seems downright pissed. Someone is about to get cut in half. View Slideshow

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Game of Thrones: Season 5 Episode 5 Photos: Please Ramsay, Don’t Hurt Her!

Game of Thrones: Season 5 Episode 5 Photos: Please Ramsay, Don’t Hurt Her!

Well, we've made it. We're at the midway point for Game of Thrones fifth season, and so far, we're not too terribly traumatized. Sure the loss of [SPOILER ALERT] Barristan Selmy was tough to take, but at least we haven't had to watch too much horrific torture.  Sadly, we get the feeling that might change this week, thanks to the unholy union between Ramsay Bolton and Sansa Stark . 1. Tyrion is Terrified Tyrion looks scared. We guess that boat trip with Jorah Mormont isn’t going as smoothly as he had hoped. 2. Ramsay Bolton and Sansa Stark “So how’s your meal? By the way, is that severed boar’s head making anyone else feel torture-y?” Ugh. This isn’t gonna end well. 3. Shireen Baratheon Hits the Road Yes, the grey scale is unfortunate. But as one of the few GoT characters to ever demonstrate genuine warmth and compassion, she might be more beautiful than anyone else on the show. 4. Jon Snow Glares “You know nothing, Jon Snow.” “Yes, I do. I know how to rock all black like nobody’s business!” 5. Ramsay and Roose Bolton What a nice bonding moment. Unlike most fathers and sons, however, these two are probably discussing the best methods for skinning a man alive. 6. Brienne is Pissed Brienne never really looks happy, but here she seems downright pissed. Someone is about to get cut in half. View Slideshow

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Game of Thrones: Season 5 Episode 5 Photos: Please Ramsay, Don’t Hurt Her!

Shady Bolitics: New Report Shows 42% Of Lowest Earners Are Minorities As GOP Still Refuses To Increase Minimum Wage

Are Republicans to blame for minorities being stuck in poverty? Minorities Remain In Poverty While GOP Refuses To Increase Minimun Wage Republicans have found yet another way to indirectly have a negative impact on the lives of thousands of minorities, as new reports show that the GOP’s refusal to approve the proposed minimum wage increase is keeping at least 300,000 people of color living in poverty. via Think Progress Three and a half million people of color would be lifted out of poverty if Congress raised the minimum wage to $10.10, according to a new report from the restaurant workers’ group ROC United. They would be the majority of the six million people overall who would be lifted out of poverty. People of color are far more likely to work minimum wage jobs, as they represent 42 percent of those earners even though they make up just 32 percent of the workforce. That big number is in large part thanks to the overrepresentation of people of color in low-wage restaurant industry jobs. Over 500,000 of those lifted out of poverty by a raise in the minimum wage would be restaurant workers, 300,000 of whom would be workers of color. Restaurants are the single largest employer of people of color, but they are disproportionately concentrated in the lowest paying positions. As the report notes, “Two of the lowest-paying jobs, dishwashers and fast food preps and cooks, are 59% and 35% people of color, and earn a median wage of $8.78 and $8.85, respectively.” Forty percent of tipped workers — who make an even lower minimum wage of $2.13 — are people of color. The people of color who hold these jobs are also more likely to live in poverty. They make up more than half of tipped workers and restaurant workers with incomes below the poverty line. There’s no doubt that the Republican party is hardly interested in improving the lives of minorities, as they continue to prove, but do you think they are to blame for this abundant amount of people of color living in ‘poverty’ by our society’s standards. Or are the people themselves to blame? Let’s discuss.

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Shady Bolitics: New Report Shows 42% Of Lowest Earners Are Minorities As GOP Still Refuses To Increase Minimum Wage

Pure Comedy: Kevin Hart, Ludacris, Porsha Stewart, Big Tigger And More Clown Around At “Let Me Explain” Atlanta Premiere! [Photos]

Kevin has a story to tell, and it’s funny as hell! Kevin Hart Hosts Celeb Screening Of Let Me Explain In Atlanta Kevin Hart is in full promo mode as he hits the road to promote is new comedy film Let Me Explain . Yesterday in Atlanta, Kev hosted a celebrity/media screening of the flick at Regal Cinemas in Atlantic Station. Many of Kevin’s famous friends showed their support and had a good time goofing off prior to showtime. Congrats Kev! We know the movie will be pure comedy! Turn over to the flip side to see more of the hilarious pics. Images via Prince Williams/ATLPics

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Pure Comedy: Kevin Hart, Ludacris, Porsha Stewart, Big Tigger And More Clown Around At “Let Me Explain” Atlanta Premiere! [Photos]

Dwyane Wade Releases Tour Schedule For New Book: “A Father First”

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Dwyane adds “Author” to his resume as he hits the road to promote his new book “A Father First.” A Father First chronicles the lessons…

Dwyane Wade Releases Tour Schedule For New Book: “A Father First”

Lala and Carmelo Anthony Want To Be Like Will and Jada Pinkett Smith

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Over the weekend, Lala and her hubby Carmelo Anthony celebrated their one year wedding anniversary. In celebration of their one year, the couple chatted with the folks at the NY Times where they discussed their own relationship as well as couple’s they look up to and aspire to be like such as Will and Jada Pinkett Smith. It already seems as if the “first lady of the NBA” -as she’s often called- and her boo, Carmelo, are following in Will and Jada’s footsteps after creating  a production company together which produced “Lala’s Full Court Wedding” as well as the Mike Tyson Documentary. Check out an excerpt from their interview with the NY Times below. When asked about Will and Jada: “I love Will Smith and Jada Pinkett! You see the love, and you can see the support, and they partner on things and produce together. But she has a life, and he has a life.” When asked about couples that inspire them: “Will and Jada have a tremendous relationships, Jay-Z and Beyonce have a tremendous relationship, Swizz Beatz and Alicia Keys, they’re a couple we see that inspires us. But we want to be ourselves. We want people to say, ‘We want our relationship to be like Melo and LaLa.’” When asked about Lala wanting to be more than a ‘basketball wife’: “A lot of times with basketball players, their wives, and I’m not criticizing, but their life is just about the man, what time is he getting home, why hasn’t he called me? But I’m so much more than” that. I’m a mom, I’m an actress, I’m a producer. Like, out of all that, I don’t want to just be called a basketball wife. What I see in Will Smith and Jada Pinkett, is having your own, and I tell everyone that.” When asked about creating a business partnership: “I saw her wanting to go into movies and producing films and documentaries and reality shows, So I said instead of letting somebody else come on board and produce all this stuff, we have the capabilities and the relationships, we can create our own production company and bring everything through that.” I absolutely LOVE Lala and Carmelo’s relationship and I definitely don’t think it will take long for younger couples to aspire to want to have a relationship just like them! Read more here . Carmelo Anthony In July/August Issue Of “L’Uomo Vogue” [PHOTOS] Lala Vazquez Slams “Basketball Wives”: “I’m More Than That” Lala Celebrates Her 32nd Birthday In Las Vegas [PHOTOS]

Lala and Carmelo Anthony Want To Be Like Will and Jada Pinkett Smith

Keri Hilson Performs At Gallery Nightclub In Las Vegas [PHOTOS]


The beautiful Keri Hilson made an appearance at Gallery Nightclub of Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas this weekend. Before she performed for a huge crowd at the night club, she satisfied her sweet tooth at the Sugar Factory in “Paris” Las Vegas. Her “army inspired” solider cap and bustier definitely made a huge statement and grabbed the attention from everyone. Keri Hilson hits the road this week as she joins the second leg of Lil Wayne’s music tour, “I Am Still Music”. Check out some photo’s of Keri Hilson in Las Vegas. Are you feeling her look? Celebs Dress Their Best For Crème Of The Crop Dinner [PHOTOS] Keri Hilson Hits The Stage At “Germany’s Next Top Model” [VIDEO] Keri Hilson Rocks The Cut-Out Trend In London [PHOTOS]

Keri Hilson Performs At Gallery Nightclub In Las Vegas [PHOTOS]

Keri Hilson Performs At Gallery Nightclub In Las Vegas [PHOTOS]

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The beautiful Keri Hilson made an appearance at Gallery Nightclub of Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas this weekend. Before she performed for a huge crowd at the night club, she satisfied her sweet tooth at the Sugar Factory in “Paris” Las Vegas. Her “army inspired” solider cap and bustier definitely made a huge statement and grabbed the attention from everyone. Keri Hilson hits the road this week as she joins the second leg of Lil Wayne’s music tour, “I Am Still Music”. Check out some photo’s of Keri Hilson in Las Vegas. Are you feeling her look? Celebs Dress Their Best For Crème Of The Crop Dinner [PHOTOS] Keri Hilson Hits The Stage At “Germany’s Next Top Model” [VIDEO] Keri Hilson Rocks The Cut-Out Trend In London [PHOTOS]

Keri Hilson Performs At Gallery Nightclub In Las Vegas [PHOTOS]