Tag Archives: ides of march

5 Terrible Moments from Five of the Fall’s Best Films

We’re on the verge of a star-studded Oscar season, but before we dig into the potentially embarrassing J. Edgar , the probably overblown War Horse , or the already-cloying Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close , let’s take a second look at five great films from fall and remember that they weren’t so flawless either. In fact, these films all possessed one ridiculous moment that completely took me out of the otherwise believable drama. Did you have the same problems with Moneyball , Martha Marcy May Marlene , and Drive ? Click through for our rundown.

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5 Terrible Moments from Five of the Fall’s Best Films

The 10 Greatest Performances in Political Thrillers

If The Ides of March has taught us anything before its release, it’s that the political thriller is a fabulous forum to act well, build a surprising character and look amazing doing it. The genre of “political thriller” is an ill-defined one with many subgenres (including “supernatural political thriller”!), but it’s always an opportunity for great characters to emerge through intriguing twists, red herrings and explosive climaxes. Movieline ranks the 10 best performances in the genre after the jump; please abort any nuclear wars you may have started before reading on.

Originally posted here:
The 10 Greatest Performances in Political Thrillers

Dirty Girl Viral Blog Exposes 13-Year-Olds to Filthy Sex Fantasy Chatter (UPDATED)

How do you possibly promote a movie about a promiscuous high school student in the ’80s? If you’re ripping a page out of the Weinstein Co.’s Dirty Girl ‘s marketing book, try launching a blog where users can anonymously share their deepest, darkest, most twisted sexual fantasies… then making it accessible for anyone aged 13 and up! Um, guys…?

See more here:
Dirty Girl Viral Blog Exposes 13-Year-Olds to Filthy Sex Fantasy Chatter (UPDATED)

Weekend Forecast: Clooney and Gosling’s Ides of March Contend With Jackman’s Real Steel

With September’s box office duelers on their way out, it’s time we clear space for two new contenders to duke it out for the moviegoing public’s vote. But try as he might, does George Clooney have what it takes to unseat Hugh Jackman’s crowd-pleasing sci-fi actioner, the probable weekend victor? He does have Ryan Gosling on his ticket. Not too shabby. Onward, to the polls! It’s your Weekend Forecast.

See the article here:
Weekend Forecast: Clooney and Gosling’s Ides of March Contend With Jackman’s Real Steel