Tag Archives: the-otherwise

Paris Jackson Transferred to Hospital Where Michael Died

Paris Jackson was transferred to UCLA Medical Center Saturday night, effectively ending the 5150 psychiatric hold that began after her suicide attempt. That facility is the same one where her father, Michael Jackson, was pronounced dead four years ago this month following an acute Propofol overdose. As you’re likely aware by now, 15-year-old Jackson was rushed to the hospital early Wednesday after she allegedly cut her forearm with a meat cleaver. A purported Paris Jackson suicide note was found at the scene, though it’s unclear; the youngster is believed to have been battling major depression. She was placed under a 5150 psychiatric hold, effectively keeping her at a local hospital regardless of her condition or desire to leave, for 72 hours. That three-day period is now over, so the troubled teen was moved to UCLA Medical Center. TMZ photos showed Jackson being wheeled yesterday. No word on her status, though the mood of her security team suggested that Jackson may be doing better after what can only be called a tragic week. The Jackson family, of course, is no stranger to UCLA Medical Center, where Michael was taken after he went into cardiac arrest on June 25, 2009. That’s where he was pronounced dead, after Dr. Conrad Murray – who left Paris a bizarre pay phone “letter” this week – refused to call it at his home. As for the King of Pop’s daughter and her long-term prognosis, a custody judge has since ordered an investigation in a bid to ensure her well-being.

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Paris Jackson Transferred to Hospital Where Michael Died

Puppy With Mustache Captivates Reddit, Remains Dapper

A puppy born with markings suggesting that she has a mustache has become a Reddit phenomenon – and you won’t believe what she looks like now! Actually, you probably would believe it. The ‘stache is real, and pretty spectacular. She may be growing up, but she remains dapper in all facets of life. Here’s the photo that first captured the web’s fascination: Fake as it may appear, it’s not. That’s just how a patch of black fur amazingly grew in on the otherwise white face of this sweetly bi-colored canine. Now check out what she looks like after a few months – courtesy of an update on Reddit from the owner – in a couple of photos after the jump! In a hyphenated word … life-altering.

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Puppy With Mustache Captivates Reddit, Remains Dapper

Movie Nudity Report: The Hangover 3, Fast and Furious 6, Before Midnight

It’s Memorial Day weekend and studios are driving the first of the big summer blockbusters into theaters. But while The Hangover 3 (2013) and Fast and Furious 6 (2013) are big on budgets and stars, they’re shockingly low on skin. The only celeb busting out boobs in the cinema is French skinsation Julie Delpy, who goes topless for the otherwise downbeat Before Midnight (2013). More after the jump!

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Movie Nudity Report: The Hangover 3, Fast and Furious 6, Before Midnight

Movie Nudity Report: The Hangover 3, Fast and Furious 6, Before Midnight

It’s Memorial Day weekend and studios are driving the first of the big summer blockbusters into theaters. But while The Hangover 3 (2013) and Fast and Furious 6 (2013) are big on budgets and stars, they’re shockingly low on skin. The only celeb busting out boobs in the cinema is French skinsation Julie Delpy, who goes topless for the otherwise downbeat Before Midnight (2013). More after the jump!

Originally posted here:
Movie Nudity Report: The Hangover 3, Fast and Furious 6, Before Midnight

5 Terrible Moments from Five of the Fall’s Best Films

We’re on the verge of a star-studded Oscar season, but before we dig into the potentially embarrassing J. Edgar , the probably overblown War Horse , or the already-cloying Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close , let’s take a second look at five great films from fall and remember that they weren’t so flawless either. In fact, these films all possessed one ridiculous moment that completely took me out of the otherwise believable drama. Did you have the same problems with Moneyball , Martha Marcy May Marlene , and Drive ? Click through for our rundown.

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5 Terrible Moments from Five of the Fall’s Best Films