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Making It Rain On Them Hoes: Johnson & Johnson To Pay Boston Family $109 Million After 6 Year-Old Goes Blind And Loses 90% Of Her Skin Taking Cold Medicine

Talk about a silver lining… Johnson & Johnson To Pay Family $109 Million In Allergic Reaction Lawsuit Via NYPost Health care company Johnson & Johnson has been told to pay a teenager and her parents $63 million after she suffered a life-threatening drug reaction and lost most of her skin when she took a children’s pain reliever nearly a decade ago. Johnson & Johnson and its McNeil-PPC Inc. subsidiary should pay Samantha Reckis and her parents a total of $109 million, including interest, a Plymouth Superior Court jury decided on Wednesday. Samantha was 7 when she was given Motrin brand ibuprofen, family attorney Brad Henry said. She suffered a rare side effect known as toxic epidermal necrolysis and lost 90 percent of her skin and was blinded, he said. She suffered brain damage that “thankfully” involved only short-term memory loss, he said, and surgeons had to drill through her skull to relieve some pressure. The disease also seared Samantha’s respiratory system, and she now has just 20 percent lung capacity, Henry said. Cotdamn… The family filed the lawsuit in January 2007, claiming that Samantha was blinded by Motrin and alleging that Johnson & Johnson failed to warn consumers that the drug could cause life-threatening reactions. The five-week trial ended on Wednesday when the jury awarded $50 million in compensatory damages to Samantha and $6.5 million to each of her parents. Samantha, now 16 years old, had previously taken Motrin without suffering any side effects. Her parents began giving her the medication to reduce fever that began the day after Thanksgiving in 2003. The resulting toxic epidermal necrolysis — a potentially fatal skin disease that inflames the mucus membranes and eyes and is marked by a rash that burns off the outer layer of skin — puzzled physicians. It inflamed Samantha’s throat, mouth, eyes, esophagus, intestinal tract, respiratory system and reproductive system, forcing physicians to put her in a coma. Now what do you think Johnson & Johnson had to say about this? “The Reckis family has suffered a tragedy, and we sympathize deeply with them,” it said in a statement. But the firm sought to defend Children’s Motrin, saying it is “labeled appropriately” and when used as directed is “a safe and effective treatment option for minor aches and pains and fever.” “A number of medicines, including ibuprofen, have been associated with allergic reactions and as noted on the label, consumers should stop using medications and immediately contact a healthcare professional if they have an allergic reaction,” it said in the statement. These ninja can’t hold Samantha back though. Samantha, who lives in Plymouth, is an honor student but has to work twice as hard as other students to retain the same amount of information, Henry said. She doesn’t want to let her plight hold her down, he said. She’s an honor student AND she’s ballin’ outta control. Sky’s the limit. Image via Reckis Family

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Making It Rain On Them Hoes: Johnson & Johnson To Pay Boston Family $109 Million After 6 Year-Old Goes Blind And Loses 90% Of Her Skin Taking Cold Medicine

Celebrity Cribs: Take A Peek Inside Lebron’ James $9 Million Miami Mansion

Savannah should have a great Valentine’s Day in this crash pad… A Look Inside Lebron James’ $9 Million Florida Home Miami Heat baller Lebron James has been livin’ it up in Florida for a couple years now and there’s nothing like an extra large $9 million crash pad to call home after a long stretch of games on the road. Lebron and his longtime lady turned fiance  Savannah copped this lavish luxury home that’s small enough not to be too far from their 2 boys, but big enough to hold 2 60-ft yachts and one 6’5″ NBA ballers. Hit the flip for a look at where Lebron and his misses lay their heads in Florida…

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Celebrity Cribs: Take A Peek Inside Lebron’ James $9 Million Miami Mansion