Tag Archives: instant review

Print Media’s Big Tablet Letdown

No doubt, Steve Jobs showed off a compelling tablet computer today, one that should excite people who make videogames, TV shows — even books. But today’s Apple iPad debut was a big letdown for magazine and newspaper people. Look, expectations were fairly insane

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Print Media’s Big Tablet Letdown

Even Obama Thinks Kanye’s a ‘Jackass’

Basically the entire nation has rallied around the idea that Kanye West is an entire asshole for ruining Taylor Swift ‘s big moment last night. So, too, has Barack Obama , our president

See the original post:
Even Obama Thinks Kanye’s a ‘Jackass’

The Jay Leno Show: As Bad As You Thought It Would Be

We tuned into Leno’s first hour hoping that the comedian might be able to pull out a stellar performance.

See the article here:
The Jay Leno Show: As Bad As You Thought It Would Be