Tag Archives: instinct-hardly

Late Night Highlights: Watch Vintage Paul Rudd Dance in a Yellow Half-Tux

Before “making it,” Paul Rudd earned money on the Bar Mitzvah circuit by dancing in a yellow half tux. No kidding! And David Letterman produced the video to prove it. Elsewhere, Stephen Colbert officially won Twitter (and told off Matt Damon), Jon Stewart slammed Jay Leno and Jack Black revealed the secret to his rock solid marriage.

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Late Night Highlights: Watch Vintage Paul Rudd Dance in a Yellow Half-Tux

REVIEW: How Do You Know Has Moments of Genius — But Too Many Cell Phones

A hanging statement rather than a question, the unpunctuated title of James L. Brooks’s How Do You Know is an apt reflection of the film’s amble toward a theory, in lieu of an answer. The subject, needless to say, is love: What’s the secret? Is there an algorithm yet? How, when one meets a new person, is it possible to separate emotional temperatures — where circumstance, experience, and need have led each of you to be in that exact moment — and access what true baseline there might be between you? And if it is possible, is it useful? Abandoning analysis for instinct hardly seems like the thing: The rhetoric of instant connections — clicking, chemistry, sparks — feels random and unreliable; the more acquisitive approach — involving checklists, potential, dealbreakers — is bloodless and overdetermined. To be a vampire, and at least have a few clear guidelines about letting the right one in!

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REVIEW: How Do You Know Has Moments of Genius — But Too Many Cell Phones