Tag Archives: institutions

US Treasury misled public on Wall Street banks’ bailouts, Report

Neil Barofsky, the inspector general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program has criticised US Treasury officials for making optimistic statements last September, at the height of the financial crisis. The US Treasury misled the public over the health of struggling Wall Street banks receiving emergency funds at the height of the financial crisis, creating unrealistic expectations and undermining popular trust in bailout efforts, according to an official audit. An inspector general appointed to oversee the US government's banking bailout has singled out president Bush's treasury secretary, Henry Paulson, for painting an excessively rosy picture of the condition of institutions such as Bank of America, Citigroup and Merrill Lynch when the government pumped $125bn (

Why Microsoft wants your Hohm?

Microsoft just launch Hohm beta for people to track, plan, save, and share their energy consumption. added by: mashdata

See the article here:
Why Microsoft wants your Hohm?

Swim club that kicked out minority kids wants them to come back

A private suburban swim club accused of racism after it canceled the memberships of dozens of minority children says it will seek a meeting with the kids’ camps to work out an agreement for them to return. Amy Goldman, a member of The Valley Club, said those able to attend a hastily called meeting Sunday afternoon voted unanimously in support of reinstating the memberships of the Creative Steps day camp and two other camps as long as safety issues, times and terms can be agreed upon.

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Swim club that kicked out minority kids wants them to come back