Tag Archives: intelligencer

American Crossroads pushes new radio ad against Obama


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(CNN) – American Crossroads, a conservative super PAC, announced its latest ad buy against President Barack Obama on Friday, taking a swing at the administration’s coal industry policies. “Our health care, pensions and way of life are on the line,” the ad’s narrator says in the one-minute radio spot. – Follow the Ticker on Twitter: Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Political Ticker Discovery Date : 13/04/2012 04:37 Number of articles : 2

American Crossroads pushes new radio ad against Obama

Caddish Mayor Bloomberg Smooches Miss Piggy



During a rather delightful press conference this morning announcing the Muppets’ appointment as the city’s official 2o12 “Family Ambassadors” meant to promote tourism (and, perhaps, to light up the e-mail chains at Goldman Sachs ), an otherwise bored-seeming Michael Bloomberg perked up when he saw the opportunity to get a little action. “I’m going to give Miss Piggy a kiss because, uh, we’re old friends,”… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Daily Intelligencer – New York Magazine Discovery Date : 13/04/2012 16:41 Number of articles : 2

Caddish Mayor Bloomberg Smooches Miss Piggy

Barack Obama Still Releasing Campaigns Against Sarah Palin (Video)


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Really, Barack? You’re still running against Sarah Palin? The Obama Campaign just released an anti-Palin ad. Via Breitbart TV: Hey Barack, she’s not on the ticket! Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 10/03/2012 05:51 Number of articles : 3

Barack Obama Still Releasing Campaigns Against Sarah Palin (Video)

American Soldier Kills 16 Afghan Civilians, Motive Still Unkown


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Early this morning, an American Army staff sergeant walked out of a military base in the rural Panjwai district, in the southern Kandahar province of Afghanistan, headed to the nearest villages and went into three different houses, where he shot and killed at least 16 unarmed civilians. (An AP photographer confirmed seeing 15 bodies .) Villagers say five of the dead were young girls below the age… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Daily Intelligencer – New York Magazine Discovery Date : 11/03/2012 17:03 Number of articles : 2

American Soldier Kills 16 Afghan Civilians, Motive Still Unkown

Office Workers Stop Bike Theft


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(YouTube link) Neatoramanaut Naimul brings us video of an event that happened at his workplace, WCG in San Francisco. A thief brazenly cuts through a bike chain and takes off on the bicycle, right in front of the office windows. The first one out the door is a designer named Kristen. People have complained that we didn’t Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Neatorama Discovery Date : 27/07/2011 17:33 Number of articles : 2

Office Workers Stop Bike Theft

Anderson Cooper Rides His Bike Without a Helmet


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If you’ve ever seen Anderson Cooper biking around town — and if you live downtown you may have (he’s like Michael Musto with that thing) — you probably aren’t surprised to hear that he does it without wearing a helmet. That’s not that uncommon, although I might argue that if he wanted fewer people to recognize him, covering up that silver shock of hair might help. But now the CNN host has immortalized… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Daily Intelligencer – New York Magazine Discovery Date : 27/07/2011 17:46 Number of articles : 2

Anderson Cooper Rides His Bike Without a Helmet

Here’s a Video of Someone Getting Beat Up on the Subway


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What’s that you say? You’d like to watch another YouTube video of something horrendous happening on the method of transportation you take to work every single day? Well, I think we can accommodate that! Just yesterday someone posted what appears to be a cell-phone video of a man getting pummeled by another man as the rest of the passengers on the subway car cower in a corner in fear. What makes this… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Daily Intelligencer – New York Magazine Discovery Date : 13/06/2011 22:10 Number of articles : 2

Here’s a Video of Someone Getting Beat Up on the Subway

Here’s a Video of Someone Getting Beat Up on the Subway


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What’s that you say? You’d like to watch another YouTube video of something horrendous happening on the method of transportation you take to work every single day? Well, I think we can accommodate that! Just yesterday someone posted what appears to be a cell-phone video of a man getting pummeled by another man as the rest of the passengers on the subway car cower in a corner in fear. What makes this… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Daily Intelligencer – New York Magazine Discovery Date : 13/06/2011 22:10 Number of articles : 2

Here’s a Video of Someone Getting Beat Up on the Subway

Graphic Vid Allegedly Shows Coptic Christian Girl Being Sexualy Assaulted in Order To ‘Islamize Her’



CONTENT WARNING : this story contains graphic images that may be disturbing to some. While the woman’s nudity has been blacked out and then men are not shown performing sex acts, the subject matter and some of the footage is still unsettling. The content warning above may say it all. Below, you are about to see a group of alleged Muslim men sexually abusing a Coptic Christian girl recently in Egypt…. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 09/06/2011 20:53 Number of articles : 2

Graphic Vid Allegedly Shows Coptic Christian Girl Being Sexualy Assaulted in Order To ‘Islamize Her’

Terrible Would-be Thieves Chop Down Tree to Get at Cheap Bike


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Normally we don’t post crime videos, even if they take place in the city, because they can be pretty gruesome and upsetting. But since no person is getting hurt in this fast-forwarded clip of a bizarre evening in Kensington, Brooklyn, here it is. Watch as a would-be thief repeatedly goes at a (relatively large) tree with an ax. He’s stopped again and again by a group of young men who happen to be… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Daily Intelligencer – New York Magazine Discovery Date : 10/06/2011 00:00 Number of articles : 3

Terrible Would-be Thieves Chop Down Tree to Get at Cheap Bike