Tag Archives: interest-level

Monica Bellucci for S Moda of the Day

I was drinking with an Italian guy a couple of weeks ago and he pulled up a picture of Monica Bellucci eating a plate of pasta and drinking a glass of wine and he told me that to him, as an Italian man, that was probably the single hottest imagery he could see, so he jerked off to it a couple times, saved it to his phone and yelled at his wife about how she needs to step up her Italian game, you know shave that mustache, lay off the carbs for a month, and practice her Italian, to turn her from a fat Jersey Shore pile of trash into this….personally, I’m more into throat fucking, but we’re all allowed to have our fantasies… Here’s the non-erotic video…

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Monica Bellucci for S Moda of the Day

Maty Matusevich Models Some Lida Lingerie of the Day

Girls with guy names, are amazing, because they don’t look like girls who would have guy names…..you know like ROGER the bull dyke down the hall, is a miss use of a girl with a guy’s name, while this Maty Matusevich, model from wherever the fuck she’s from , is lovely… What’s also lovely is the shoot, because it’s all trailer park fantasy, see I’ve been in trailer parks, and they are far more fat, toothless, even the illegitimate teen pregnant ones… Lookin’ good in lingerie girl with a guy’s name.

Maty Matusevich Models Some Lida Lingerie of the Day

Kelly Brook for AXE of the Day

Kelly Brook is in a new AXE Campaign, because really what else is she capable of doing with herself, it’s not like she’s gonna win an Oscar or some shit, and she’s only got a small window to make money…with her amazing fucking titties…that are really the only reason any of us know who she is… All I know is that I am sure she wishes she lived in a world with no gravity….to prevent her from sagging into a 40 year old no one cares about. I didn’t bother watching the clip, because watching commercials for the cleavage is on the lower end of my priority or interest level list, but I am sure you’ll watch it, make it viral and make that rancid spray that I can’t believe any dude would wear, more money than they already make….

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Kelly Brook for AXE of the Day