Tag Archives: single-hottest

Some Kid Checking Out Tits on Croatian TV of the Day

When I was this kid’s age, I was living in a foster home with a nymphomanic woman who would walk around naked, or half naked, trying to take advantage of my budding teenage hormones to make her feel desirable, until one day she put me in her mouth, which paved the way for me doing a hell of a lot more than staring at tits while older ladies wore cleavage shirts, only they never got that shit on TV, and it was before the internet, so it never went viral, which was probably a good thing, because she would have probably been charged for abuse, even though there was definitely no complaints on my 13 year old pervert end….getting molested by a woman at a young age was the best thing that ever happened to me, it wasn’t some repressed memory shit, it was some good old fashion training….

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Some Kid Checking Out Tits on Croatian TV of the Day

Monica Bellucci for S Moda of the Day

I was drinking with an Italian guy a couple of weeks ago and he pulled up a picture of Monica Bellucci eating a plate of pasta and drinking a glass of wine and he told me that to him, as an Italian man, that was probably the single hottest imagery he could see, so he jerked off to it a couple times, saved it to his phone and yelled at his wife about how she needs to step up her Italian game, you know shave that mustache, lay off the carbs for a month, and practice her Italian, to turn her from a fat Jersey Shore pile of trash into this….personally, I’m more into throat fucking, but we’re all allowed to have our fantasies… Here’s the non-erotic video…

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Monica Bellucci for S Moda of the Day

Trying to Look Down Miley’s Shirt of the Day

Miley Cyrus is probably the single hottest thing around. I say that because it upsets so many people who think short hair, don’t care, means a bitch has a cock, set of balls and is ready to back alley fuck you outside a gay club, giving you AIDS….while I know that short hair has no correlation to genitals, and in fact makes her face easier to imagine cumming on, you know since there’s no hair getting in the way….but maybe that’s just because I like bald women…from Cancer to Alopecia, I’m down…. That said, she’s thin, tight bodied, lovely as fuck….and never wears a bra…so call me a fag…while I stare at her titties….in something that is only gay if you’re in prison and the titties your getting hard for are on fat black dude who owns you……

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Trying to Look Down Miley’s Shirt of the Day

Candice Swanepoel Tweets a Naked for Fashion Pic of the Day

Candice Swanepoel is amazing even though she blocked me on twitter and instagram for begging her to give me her SOUTH AFRICAN HIV….not cuz I want her HIV….but because I want to go through the process of her giving it to me the good old fashion way….through anal sex…. She is probably the single hottest model out there right now, but then again, I find this watermelon I’ve been eating erotic, but that’s probably because I just cut a hole in it and fucked it and this is my afterglow… Yes. I make no sense….but then again either does Candice Swanepoel’s body that she’s posting naked on Twitter….in a fashionable, implied naked, low res way….which is luckily good enough for me…cuz I come from an era of jerking off to scrambled porn….blue, red and green, titty in the bottom left, penetration top right motherfucker….

Candice Swanepoel Tweets a Naked for Fashion Pic of the Day

Candice Swanepoel Tweets a Naked for Fashion Pic of the Day

Candice Swanepoel is amazing even though she blocked me on twitter and instagram for begging her to give me her SOUTH AFRICAN HIV….not cuz I want her HIV….but because I want to go through the process of her giving it to me the good old fashion way….through anal sex…. She is probably the single hottest model out there right now, but then again, I find this watermelon I’ve been eating erotic, but that’s probably because I just cut a hole in it and fucked it and this is my afterglow… Yes. I make no sense….but then again either does Candice Swanepoel’s body that she’s posting naked on Twitter….in a fashionable, implied naked, low res way….which is luckily good enough for me…cuz I come from an era of jerking off to scrambled porn….blue, red and green, titty in the bottom left, penetration top right motherfucker….

Candice Swanepoel Tweets a Naked for Fashion Pic of the Day

Lake Bell Hot For Maxim of the Day

Maxim hates me…. Back in the day, when the internet wasn’t dominated by the mainstream media, but the mainstream media was trying to get traction on the shit, Maxim came to me and paid me to link them for as long as they needed me to link them, because I had more traffic than they did….and then one day they reached a point where they figured they were good and didn’t need people like me so they stopped. So in taking away my drinking money, I got really fucking mad, and decided to laugh at these fuckers as much as I could as they faded into obscurity and bankruptcy….cuz they just couldn’t compete cuz their concept is dated… That was until today, when I came across this shoot with Lake Bell, which is probably the single hottest shoot they’ve done in the last 5 years of their demise…they had shitty celebs in shitty poses and it just wasn’t appealing or racy or even interesting to look at…even though that was their whole competitive advantage…access to these fucking bitches…and photographers was all they had going for them….so is this an accident, or does Maxim have one more push in them…who knows or cares…I just know in the next 10 minutes…I’m gonna have a takedown notice…cuz Maxim isn’t a fan of mine.

Lake Bell Hot For Maxim of the Day

Adriana Lima at Some Event of the Day

In keeping up with what models who were once the hottest fucking thing to hit, you know back when they were young and claimed to still be a virgin…..before America ruined her strict Catholic upbringing and gave her tight Brazilian ass a taste of cock that it had been craving….leading to a pregnancy that totally destroyed her body and appeal….here are some pics of Adriana Lima to remind us of what was, what could of been and the unfortunate truth of what is….a bloated rendition of what could have at one time been the single hottest pussy on earth that had been found…either way, I still dig her and her ripped apart pussy and body…and you probably do too…because it’s Adriana Lima and because we are perverts who like pussy in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors and conditions…. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Adriana Lima at Some Event of the Day